Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How many Poles does it take to Screw.........

How many Poles does it take to screw?

You mean screw in a light bulb?

No, just screw.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Vietnam war the communists in not doing well against South Vietnam and America, moved their operations into Laos and Cambodia, which soon found American special forces and bombers, bombing these war areas. In this goading of Russia to expand the Ukraine liberation, Poland and Ukraine have embarked upon a venture to draw America via NATO into this fight by signing a ludicrous deal  to shoot down Russian missiles and drones in Ukraine from Polish territory.

The Germans in this world war orgy are leading a convoy which is poised to mine the Baltic Sea to shut down Russian shipping from. St. Petersburgh. 

In the illustration below the Lame Cherry has marked in red, how the Russian response will be, in with a few mined areas, Russia will shut down the Baltic Sea to Finland Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

As you will read below, Russia has over 200,000 surplus mines, China is building like Russia new stealth versions of mines and the fact is, Russia has probably mined the entire region from the North Sea, English Channel, Baltic Sea and probably King Charles toilet as they are a pre planning people and not about to wait around for some measure which they could already have deployed years ago, and left it lay on the sea bed.

Germany and eight other NATO countries aim to jointly procure naval mines to deploy in the Baltic Sea, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said today, as Russia takes an increasingly assertive stance in the region.

The eight countries seeking to jointly procure naval mines with Germany are Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

Pistorius said joint procurement would have many benefits, reducing costs and allowing joint logistics and maintenance.

Sea mines are "a very effective method of deterring an attacker from the sea and are an extremely important capability against Russian aggression ," German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said ahead of a NATO summit in Washington.

Minefields At Sea: From The Tsars To Putin - Breaking Defense

Mar 23, 2015 ... There are “rising mines” that wait in deep water for a ship to pass overhead, then ascend until they're within range to fire a torpedo: Russia ...

The Indispensable Ingredient for Victory: Defeating Deadly Sea Mines

Jul 2, 2024 ... Russia has continued to use sea mines extensively during the conflict in Ukraine. One of the most prominent examples involved Russian forces ...

There are mines activated by a ship’s magnetic field, by the sound of its propellers, by pressure differentials in the water as a ship passes overhead. There are mines that detect all of the above, then cross-check between different types of sensors to make sure they’re not fooled by a decoy. There are mines smart enough to distinguish different kinds of ships and only wait for a chosen target — only oil tankers, for example, or only aircraft carriers. There are even rumors of Chinese and North Korean mines with nuclear warheads.

“A recent [Chinese] article claims that China has over 50,000 mines [in] over 30 varieties of contact, magnetic, acoustic, water pressure and mixed reaction sea mines, remote control sea mines, rocket-rising and mobile mines,” Naval War College professors Andrew Erickson, Lyle Goldstein, and William Murray say in a 2009 study. But mine warfare expert Scott Truver thinks that estimate is way too low: He says the Chinese may have 100,000 mines

This then turn to the Poles shooting at Russian missiles and drones in another attempt to widen this war front. Would Russia resort to bombing Poland over missile intervention? They will weigh out the options and responses to their options, but like sea mines, they will have the situation projected. It is a 100% response that Russia will hit Poland when American F 16's fly from those bases, so the striking of missiles fired at Russian things is an appropriate prelude. The interesting part in this is the silence of Russia. No Russia is not silent even when it is silent. Russia in this has already contacted the CIA Bill Burns and explained the realities of this.

In projections, if Russia eliminates this Polish threat, NATO will not charge in. It will be more of this sea mine nonsense, so in that Russia would really benefit from pounding the Poles and scaring the shit out of Germans, as the Hungarians are looking or peace with the other Slavs. NATO is not going to bomb  Russia proper, and there are not missiles in Poland to hit Russia, so it is advantage Russia. The Poles get chewed up enough, they will go back to sausage making and taking 12 of them to screw in lightbulbs.

Zelenskiy-Tusk deal: Poland to shoot down Russian missiles and drones over Western Ukraine - Confirmation War News 24/7

This is but a dare. NATO provides more Patriots to Ukraine Nazi, dares Russia to strike, so Russian aircraft will be shot down, and mix this up.

If Russia were of the mind, a nice missile complex in Russian Moldova would provide Russian air defense, be a nice target to have Poland and NATO to literally attack another nation, and then it would all balance out in too much NATO expense for the buck.

Nuff Said

Anita Ward - Ring My Bell - YouTube

May 22, 2011 ... Comments10K. Nathan Ventura. I want to thank Disco Janet for reminding me of this solid old tune.
