Thursday, July 11, 2024

The AI you say

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was doing a study of World War Deuce and it is interesting in the images which AI will produce, as they rewrite history as to how it should be.

Below you will find a series of photos of the German Reich leaders and the "Allies". It is interesting what will generate.

We start this off with the most popular German in history. The manly Adolf Hitler.

There here is SS Feuhrer, Heinrich Himmler, murdered by being beaten to death by General Montegomery.

Reich Marshal, Herman Goering.

Archetect of the 3rd Reich, Albert Speer.

Economic genius, Martin Bormann, who took over the post world war world.

Even Imperial Japanese War Lord, Tojo is adore by the AI, who was hung by Americans.

Then there is the AI renditions of the Allies, the Western heroes. The group who mass murdered after the war, over 20 million Germans in concentration camps and cost all of us trillions of dollars in building their own International Nazi state.

The cripple Frank Roosevelt.

The mass murderer Joe Stalin.

The pervert Winston Churchill.

AI perceives strength through the propaganda, and weakness in the propaganda.

Nuff Said
