Monday, July 1, 2024

Pax Trumpia

Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg as saying that he and his colleague, Fred Fleitz, had presented Trump with their plan, and though he did not necessarily agree with “every word of it,”

 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like all things Donald Trump, he never has a plan, he just has adjectives like"wonderful and beautiful" for the ideas he comes up with in the paradigm...........unless it is his paying less taxes, then the billionaire's ideas are exactly what he is going to do for the lucre rich.

The Lame Cherry assesses things here and the "peace plan"which was floated to Donald Dump by this Kellogg and Fleitz pair was naive, one dimensional and another Trump crony in Tucker Carlson, once exposed to the Russians is outed as the uninformed juvenile buffoon they are.

Meet you on the other side.

According to Kellogg, “We tell the Ukrainians: ‘You’ve got to come to the [negotiating] table, and if you don’t come to the table, support from the United States will dry up.” The US would also tell Russian President Vladimir Putin that “He’s got to come to the table and if you don’t come to the table, then we’ll give Ukrainians everything they need to kill you in the field.”

There are several problems in this KF plot and they will be exposed on the Lame Cherry.

The first is Vladimir Putin is not going to be humiliated in being forced to sit down and negotiate with this mass murdering Jewish dwarf Nazi of Kiev. He is not even president any more than Obama was.

As DC and London with other European wokesters sabotaged the original accords and peace talks, telling Kiev to show up or US support will end is ridiculous as the Netherlands, Germans and others have massive contracts with Ukraine for making war. "Support for Ukraine" is worthless. The statement should read, "America will support Russia blowing the fuck out of you Nazi in your beds and making peace with your corpses".

DC and Donald Dump are not the sole personalities in this klusterfuck. Unless London and others sign off on this shit proposal, there is more EU sanctions coming in their making war for profit against Russia.

These advisors are extremely naive. America can not order Russia around, any more than America can allow itself to be degraded in giving Russia everything and Russia giving nothing back.

As the Lame Cherry  has explained, this entire region needs to come into play. Kaliningrad for Russia as a land bridge, and Poland, Hungary and Romania gaining their parcels of Chamberlain lands which were once Ukraine. Germany must have Prussia restored as a sign off on Konigsburg or Kaliningrad. Donald Trump has to mix this up so everyone gets bribed and is appeased.

See you tell Russia that Ukraine will never be in NATO, but be like Cyprus as a EU member. As Ukraine will be an island of land after being divided up, NATO members. Hungary, Poland and Romania, Ukraine is in NATO so the fuck heads who are Russophobes get their own piss pot in Ukraine as they want.

I hope you read that over a bit before going on, as that is how real players play the Great Game, and the Lame Cherry assures you that America has zero players who are of any intelligence to appear with a plan like this, including Donald John Trump. That is the difference between this popular girl and this ilk, God Inspires me to solutions which these warmongers could never conceive.

The reality is, you tell Russia all of the above, as they will figure it out anyway. Be an honest broker. You tell them that you need something from them and they will find a way to accomodate this.

What Russia gives up is pointing all missiles at America and Europe, with America removing all nuclear arms from NATO and NATO becomes a non nuclear force.

The United States does not have any say over nuclear weapons in Europe if  those nations manufacture them, but America will not supply them.

Europe is going to become a phoenix arising to itself soon enough. It is better that America get out of that war lust and force those fat pedos to evolve into real men again, whet on the Russian sharpening stone

Russia gets border security in writing. Russia gets American weapons not aimed at her.

America gets rid of being a Russian target. America dumps the European disaster and Russia gets to sort things out like the good olde days with Europeans.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will obtain the peace which evaded Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Donald Trump must have those Bend at the Tel Aviv GOPliters promise in the Senate to pass this treaty immediately upon signing as a confirmation of peace with Russia.

I would if I was Dump go for one more thing. I would offer to Russia the elimination of the missile based triad of nuclear response, if Russia would eliminate their ICBM's. Each would maintain for now their submarine and bomber cruise missiles, but the 7 minute ICBM's would all be retired, to stop the miscalculation of an immediate launch, and instead agree to systems which would require hours to deliver from theater.

America was going to retire those Goddamn Minutemen in the 1990's as being worthless. They should be played now to be rid of the Russian Sarmats.

el presidente Rubio could even get this thing done, so that is the reality of what requires being done.

This is what real Richard Nixon, Vernon Walters, Richard Pearle, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan negotiations look like in scope. America has none of that as what rules are these war profiteers and their whores causing problems and gaining more Treasury spending.

The original quotes reveal that Donald Trump was ill served by the lackluster minds who read from Dick and Jane Negotiating Techniques from the 1950's. Mr. Trump has shown himself able to gain rapport with Kim Jong, Xi and Vladimir Putin, but was like Tucker Carlson, not on the page with anything  to change the game.

The Russians honesty as Alexander Dugin has written, have an interest in global civilization survival which could be achieved with Donald Trump and the Christian Right. What was listed above is something the Russians would relish studying, but they would be made to understand that political waves must be ridden when they appear, as not doing so leaves you with a surf board on a radioactive glow in the dark beach.

Donald Trump made a mistake in not recognizing Sebastian Kurz. He should tap Putin's friend in the Austrian Kurz, who should bring along Weber and Wagenknecht from Germany, for a preliminary for discussions with Putin for a signing phase where Erdogan of  Turkey, LePen of France and Meloni from Italy agree to the terms above.

As this blog stated in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, get Russia done first, and that solves 95% of your problems.

I post this stuff so that your minds can comprehend what astards are out there and what real diplomacy looks and works like.

Nuff Said

