Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pissing on Yourself

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most people do not have any idea that elk and goats piss on themselves, and pissing is a kind word for ejaculating.

This though is not about the cloven footed 4 hoof types, but about the two leggers in the perfect Pharisee. 

I scan the obits here looking for how God kills off my enemies and His, and I wonder who people are that die, and as the Brier is still kind of generational, I know names and where people belong.

I will call this guy Peck as in Pecksniff from Dicken's infamous character.

So I see the fat faced glowing eyed photo and the guy looks like Putin, no kidding. I read about who Peck is and immediately know where he belongs. What his obit glorified him as made me want to spit as his self made man who left this shit hole brier people behind, now in a glorious Pinko state, stated that he was involved in many green energy projects. Yes the Obama scam to loot America and rob you, but his wokester asshole was so much better than the rest of us, as he was working in the green scam.

His final request to give donations to backpack for kids, of course as children are involved, he is superior to all, and the humane society or rescue......yes the profit group who kills more animals than are in the world every year........but let us remember that it is the thought that counts, not the globalist rapine and mass murder.

I blew the punch line in this as you know what woke are when they are unmasked in their delusions and that shit is not going  to get you anywhere in Jesus Judgment. I will though add a bit to this story.

His old man had a bunch of engines which he fixed up, that apparently a museum was built to display them.....again so much more  superior that family is than us...........

Ok the punchline, the mother once said to me when the bank sold us out, "Watch out for that Pecksniff as he goes through people's trees where things are sitting and he steals them later".

Do you get the point in how that family made their money in stealing antiques off other people's property and reselling them? Where do you think those old engines all came from? Yes they were all stolen from poor people.

I remember my asshole uncle, the demon one, calling this guy a friend. I cringed as I knew what this asshole Pecksniff was and I sure as hell knew what my asshole uncle was who cheated me out of a place to live which God is rectifying.

I know Pecksniff's sister, see we had been buying hay from her and her husband, who just happened to have allot of money appear for a road construction business too, and they sold the hay which we needed and bought out from under us one winter. To get the idiotry in this, this woman then called up the next year trying to sell us hay again, I told her, "You sold our hay to someone else and left us short, I will never buy anything from you again", and I hung up.

So let us just remember that green projects, backpacks for beaner invaders, and funding mass slaughter and maiming of animals makes this family so much better than the rest of us, because they are superior after all, like elk and goats pissing on themselves thinking how wonderful that stench makes them smell.

It is why I like reading obits and feature them here. I see all the lies and I know what assholes these people really are in their self delusions. Raping and robbing Americans financially as Obama globalists,  cutting the sex organs out of pets, gassing pets for profit, funding invaders, that all is superior in the erase and replace Americans.........and none of these sons of bitches ever get called on it in life as they piss on each other in their herds of cum drippers like Jimmy Kimmel and Rob Reiner.

TL wondered why when we came to the Brier why people were so fixated on who people are. The above is why, because these bastards have been fucking people over for generations to rise to the top and in hard times they will fuck you over again, as I learned about some of these fringe neighbors who are on the way to checking out too.

You rarely get a good kid out of a family of Pharisees. I'm fortunate as I know the names of the people here and I can gauge who people are by their parents and by the company they keep.

I sincerely hope the pain of all of those animals, the rapes and molestations of American kids, the hardships over this Obama green scam is felt by this Pecksniff and his DNA in hell, because there was nothing about  Jesus and it was all about how glorious this prick was.

Nuff Said
