Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thomas Crooks Help the Blind to See



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The question in this which must be answered is who got into Thomas Crooks mind and convinced him to crawl around on a roof with a rifle. Cell phone #2 was with an individual who was at Crooks home and his employment. They were in Washington DC in Chinatown at an FBI location.

There is a file on Thomas Crooks. There is a paid glow worm who was meeting with him and making reports about him to the FBI.

The Thomas Crooks below is the real Thomas Crooks. Who changed the kid who helped the blind to see?

Crooks seemed to have a bright future, said two people who knew him at the Community College of Allegheny County, where he graduated in May with a two-year associate’s degree in engineering.
One college instructor told Reuters that she had gone back through his assignments this week, bewildered that the conscientious student who distinguished himself by going “above and beyond” could have turned murderous.
The instructor, who declined to be identified, said his homework responses were thoughtful and his emails polite. He excelled at an assignment to redesign a toy for people with disabilities. “He did a chess set for the blind. He 3D-printed it. He put the Braille on it. He talked to experts in the field,” she recalled. “He really took a lot of care.”

A college employee who knew Crooks said he was quiet but pleasant. “It's just very, very, very unexpected,” the employee said. Crooks had seemed interested in pursuing a career in mechanical engineering, the employee said.
The college closed its engineering program on June 30. Crooks was planning to continue his engineering education at nearby Robert Morris University, that school confirmed.

Is Congress going to open the Thomas Crooks FBI file?

Nuff Said.
