Monday, July 15, 2024

What did they see in Donald Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is of interest that Dick Allgire posted on the Trump assassination  before it took place, not as long as Nostradamus, and not as long as the Lame Cherry based on the Nostradamus quatraine. What Allgire was seeing though was an absolute repetition of what Nostradamus recorded and this popular girl turned poor orphan featured.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry continues thee examination of the Prophecies and the oracles of the seers, including Nostradamus, there is a quatrain out there, which one of the best experts got wrong in stating it was an assassination on former President George W. Bush.

By great sound the "waterspout" will tremble, harmony broken lifting its head to sky, Bouche blood-covered will float in the blood, on ground the face anointed with milk and honey
~Nostradamus I.57

America does not need a dead anyone, from the murdered volunteer Fire Chief of Butler to any politician. This nation has been pushed over the edge in this DOJ FBI hunting down of Jan6 supporters of Donald Trump. We though are not going to be receiving any peace or stability.

What this blog is contemplating as in all events which were supposed to have happened and do not take place with the intimation of Sandy Hook to rescue a birther, and then the events of June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, took place after continuous resets to set the time line, was the event Dick Allgire and Nostradamus foresaw, Butler Pennsylvania, is there another event generating, or will another event now generate to complete the time line.

57 The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.

If though one examines Allgires second sketch and the first, one notes that the blood gushing out of the mouth has a wound on the left side. Mr. Trump was wounded in the right. If this is an exit wound, it would fit, but the bottom sketch appears more of an auditorium, not the Butler scenario. It is more akin to the RNC convention, with someone in the upper level, than a shooter from a roof.

Just remember the facts in this. This venue was provided by the District of Crooks. A lone nut is going to wander into a venue like this sooner or later. It was though by the BBC just before the convention which would have had to nominate a new candidate. The logic is the reason this event was initiated was due to Donald Dump not agreeing to the VP ultimatum. Understand one thing, behind all the glow worm propaganda over this, Dump knows someone grazed his ear for a reason, and a venue was provided. These people who engage in these events, went to great lengths to deal with JFK, were not about to allow RFK get anywhere near retaliatory power, nor Teddy Kennedy, JFK II and yes The Deuce, who wisely told everyone he had a brain worms so no one would shoot at him.

If you were behind Pennsylvania, would you ever allow anyone to get into a position to come back at you?

We will not have to be Nostradamus to know the answers to this when the next 6 months are over. Remember that before this too, Donald Trump had disappeared for 10 days and people were asking where he was.

Nuff Said
