Tuesday, March 5, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry continues thee examination of the Prophecies and the oracles of the seers, including Nostradamus, there is a quatrain out there, which one of the best experts got wrong in stating it was an assassination on former President George W. Bush.

By great sound the "waterspout" will tremble, harmony broken lifting its head to sky, Bouche blood-covered will float in the blood, on ground the face anointed with milk and honey
~Nostradamus I.57

Could this quatrain be describing the assassination or attempted assassination of President Bush? The word Bouche (sounding like "Boosh") means "mouth" in French but it also sounds like the name of Bush. The line can be interpreted as "Mouth blood-covered will float in the blood" or "Bush blood-covered will float in the blood". Does this quatrain describe a general event or an event with a specific name? Is Nostradamus using a dual-meaning word to describe the specific name as well as the event? The last line speaks of a highly placed official who is lying in a pool of blood on the ground. The first line describes the event - the great sound of what seems like a bomb blast

As you can read in the above expert analysis, they thought Bouche which is like Bush, indicated this was the former President facing death. This did not take place.

In hindsight it is easy to mock, and it is easy to see where thing are wrong. If though we take this literal and not some dual meaning in a name, but in BOUCHE meaning MOUTH, let us examine a literal meaning.

"Mouth blood covered will float in the blood".

Let us look closely at I.57 from Nostradamus.

By great sound the "waterspout will tremble, harmony broken lifting its head to sky. Bouche (the Mouth) blood covered will float in the blood, on the ground the face anointed with milk and honey.

We can read another rendering of the French verse in this:

57 The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.

In something like this Stephanie is the master of the meaning and all I would do is  struggle as you can read two translations and the context is the same, but the content is not the same.
The following is the original French and another accepted translation, below I have placed a current Google AI translation for more context.

I 57

Par grand discord la trombe tremblera,
Accord rompu, dressant la teste au ciel,
Bouche sanglante dans le snag nagera,
Au sol sa face oingte de laict & miel.

The trumpet shakes with great discord.
An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven:
the bloody mouth will swim with blood;
the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.

By great discord the waterspout will tremble,

Broken agreement, raising its head to the sky,

Bloody mouth in the snag will swim,

On the ground his face anointed with milk & honey.

As one can read, in this French meaning, trumpet has a meaning of a waterspout, a tornado in the water, causing allot of disagreement. Water in the Bible, means the nations or the people.

There is a broken contract, treaty, covenant, which is raised or lifted up to the sky, to heaven. It would appear challenging the event, or God as God is in Heaven.

The bloody mouth or blood covered mouth, or blood sacrificed words or person will swim or float in blood, again the waters, people or nations. It appears that whatever this event is and the events which follow, will cause a great deal of death. The Lame Cherry notes that at one time Muhammed Ali was nicknamed the Mouth as a proper term, a Bousche, because he would not shut up and was always saying something to gain attention.

The last sentence indicates the face is a person, and is on the ground, meaning they have fallen and or died in this series of events. The last part is "anointed", meaning religious in context and the conclusion is, whoever this is,  has been anointed with milk and honey or the land of milk and honey, which indicates power from either the Holy Land or from the most powerful Lost 10 Tribe in America.

So it would seem the context in French, is we have someone calling to action, and the call is causing a great unsettling of the peoples or nations. There was some kind of understanding which was broken as it was sanctified before God, like a swearing in with a hand on the Bible.
Something then happens to this person and it is bloodshedding, perhaps not of just the person, but of many people in what is the aftermath in this Mouth which speaks things that disrupt. This bloodied person is then fallen having been contracted with the land of milk and honey.

The conclusion is that the quatrain is about some well known person, who causes a great deal of turmoil in what they say, and there is some violent event which makes them fall as they are linked with the set apart land.

That of course is nothing of George W. Bush. So the question is if this is still to be fulfilled, who is this person as the events of their end appears to set off massive violence in the world.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

