Saturday, August 10, 2024

Bitcoin Don


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry actually in the archives proposed a two tier US revenue to erase the debt  published in the archives, and now it has appeared in the Don coin. I wrote of this not long ago in THE E COIN HEDGE, DOLLAR COLLAPSE AND US HEGEMONY, and will repeat it on the other side.

The US presidential candidate from the Republican Party proposed an original way to pay off the US national debt of $35 trillion. According to him, this can be done using cryptocurrency.

Maybe we can pay off our $35 trillion debt by handing them a small crypto check, handing them some bitcoin and erasing our $35 trillion

– Trump said in an interview with the American television channel Fox News.

The US Debt is real debt. It is the European and New York Federal Reserve private oligarchs, charging interest to Americans for their own money. With the Dollar the currency of reserve, other nations get stuck with the massive Congressional socialist spending. debt as Americans are now eaten up in inflatio as putting that much money into circulation makes money value go down.

What the people behind this Don Coin are going to do is "buying Don Coin" like they would gold and silver, create a fictional solvency. They will say they will "mine" it, but nothing is mined. It is created out of thin air. The West has like a quadrillion multiple dollar value to the billions of BRICS. This mountain will simply by design overwhelm BRICS.

This is amusing but for those saying buy gold or buy crypto, they are missing the reality that Russia could have trillions of dollars in gold.........but setting the value of Don Coin at a few bits, turns 2000 dollar an ounce gold into actually a negative in it costs more to own it than sell it. Once you do that, all that ore which Eurasia and Africa bought has made gold worthless. It will make counter crypto worthless too.

Donald Trump is telling you the scam of creating wealth to take over the world out of nothing. He is backed by Homo Theil and that is why the Hillbilly Nazi was installed as VP. It is this reason for the Meisterkrieg global hegemony out of the European 10 that I believe Donald Trump will no matter what democrats throw against the wall, will be installed in January 2025 if not JD Vance. This is the ultimate scam to take over the world and assemble BRICS to bankrupt those nations and take them over. Remember Bush41 in his tenure a the Meisterkrieg moved in South America to take over Reagan Republics there and make them into Socialist states were but a preview of what is coming.

The United States is being pulled down by design. The only solution in this smoke and mirrors is to Don Coin. Mr. Trump has stated what I have expressed in a few e coin is going to be worth trillions. That is how Donald Trump told Christians that this was all going to be fixed and they would not have to vote again. Those not in favor of this tried to Butler Mr. Trump as this is a new world system.

This is what is coming in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord and as TL discovered in reading, this is coming with a DC, London and Berlin e coin hedge by Theil counterparts for the Meisterkrieg.

Nuff Said
