Saturday, August 10, 2024

Best Seat in the House


How does a running Crooks in the roof shot in the head dead,
later become a prone Crooks shot in the head on the same roof?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to take you into theory again, but theory in the answer of, if you were going to stage an event, a mass stampede as a PREMIER, and you had a gen gamer group, run out of the CIA, where would you be standing in a safe zone, to observe your team's work?

Fortunately we have allot of photos and even a John Cullen video which shows the best vantage point wth at least one bullet traversing this location from the southwest, which is impossible as the Crooks position was north.

I have some aerial shots of the Trump venue with the crowds there for you to study. The C is for CROOKS, the T for TRUMP and the X is for the vantage point which is out of the line of fire in the NORTH OPERATIONAL ZONE where all of the shooting by this Gamer Team was supposed to be confined.

What the theory is in this PREMIER was an Obama 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, election season of rage, meant to disrupt the Trump campaign. The Crooks group was going to shoot over the crowds, being managed by who they thought was the Russiagate operational group and probably were so they had the same protection of ANTIA and BLM in disrupting the elections of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

They would have been heralded as heroes in a great mockery of Trump supporters being cowards running or their lives in a stampede which probably would have produced some Roseanne Boylands as at the Capitol frame up.

So if you wanted to watch all the operation, you would be around the X location in the left bleachers, where the media apparently had allot of cameras for this event, proving this was the vantage point to observe from.

Fortunately John Cullen found a video of the left bleachers and you can see the flinch wave going through this crowd,  right to left, or towards Crook's position. The angle is wrong in he could not have fired the shot, or shots as it seems there is another shot reacted to, and a shot hits the derrick in hitting a hose in you can see the spray.

The red circle is the vantage point and where something curious happens in this is the only location which produces and instant reaction to run away, while others are stunned, only flinch or do not know what is going on.

This location shows one or two people begin moving away from  this location by instinct, instead of laying flat which Trump and the Secret Service were having others do.. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but in theory, if someone was part of an operation where they thought gamers were going to be firing over this crowd to stampede it for a PREMIER, and suddenly the bullets start spraying your position from behind and not where your gamers  are, would not your reaction be to run away in thinking you are the one who is the target to shut you up in what you know, instead of hitting the deck as you know if you do that you will shot laying there?

That is the theory in this from the vantage point in a group of gamers were set up to spoof this, and they figure out in a miss that they were the targets and start running.

There is more to this in THEORY, in I'm only making projections in the public evidence which is out there, and have no inside knowledge of any of this.

Everyone is ignoring Crooks and his remote control devices, after they were touted by law enforcement again. As we have now seen running Crooks get his head blown off on the roof and later a crawling Crooks get his head blown off on the roof, there seem to be two people who were on that roof at different times.

Not dealing with that, what if in forensic psychology, Crooks thought he was going to be a hero, a spoofer who would have Trump voters running or their lives by shooting over them and Donald Trump running away too, much to the rolling on the floor satire of the Jimmy Kimmel comic left. Let us though go into Crooks mind who told people off the PREMIER, then he told his employers he was going to be at work the next day. Crooks was starting college. He never thought he was going to die on a roof.

So what was he going to do after he sprayed gunfire around (which a second team was using as cover  to go after Trump and the crowd), Crooks would slither back off the roof with his backpack. Crooks would stash his gun in the juniper bushes again. Crooks in the mayhem would go to his vehicle. retrieve his remote devices which are flash bangs like the DC Piper's, and he would stroll over to his bike in the chaos, get on his bike, and pedal over to where the Trump crowd would be assembled in a new location as that is what people do. Crooks would then put his devices into position around the crowd, pedal off, and with the remote in military  perfection, detonate one, get the crowd screaming, detonate the second to panic them and get them moving, and then once they were fleeing again, he would detonate the 3rd to the position they were now in panic fleeing toward. This would be the left's rolling on the floor joy of terror and they would play it over and over again online and in their gatherings relishing this infliction upon a group of people, just like the herding on Jan6.

No one has addressed what Crooks was going to do with those devices. This is the theory of what he intended to do in this gamer spoof which would have this event inspiring "spoofs" at every Trump event and get the Dictator reinstalled.

As stated, another group was running a different operation using the cover of this spoof and we know the reality of that now in all the lying taking place, and as Jeff Rense stated, in that Team 2 version if God forbid Trump went down there would be violence still being set off in America.

This is the theory of the best seat in the house, and the evidence which matches Crooks activity and his equipment he brought along.

Nuff Said
