Saturday, August 17, 2024

Covering Your Ass In An Assassination.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the heat on the Trump assassination is bringing things to the surface in Pennsylvania as the police there have released a diagram which has other law enforcement in a fury because in a little red area, is the claimed coverage of the local snipers.

The Lame Cherry is grateful for this official diagram as it provides an absolute, just like the Swat team video of the Beaver girl above, having gone behind the yellow stands area with Donald Trump was, crossed to the broken gate and then went to the Crooks area. See Beaver SWAT was NEVER on scene. They came from somewhere else and had no idea for sure what happened to Donald Trump, as that can be heard in the video.

The Lame Cherry added two colours to this in the YELLOW STANDS as the police did not include the stands or some reason, but the stands are vital, because in the John Cullen video evidence appears of the second shooter for sure.

The green lines shows the direction of the shot from the north at Donald Trump. The green lines also show the straight line down the back of the left bleachers where people were hit. Two people in those bleachers turn from Donald Trump's position and look left to the derricks out in front of Donald Trump.

Then there is the report of a shooter on the roof of a home. The only roof there with a line of sight is the Lodge which is another green line.

Now for the interesting punchlines.

I do not really care about that narrow red triangle. I know it is lie in the person at the window could see part of the roof looking out, but not where Crooks was. This is Beaver Swat though in just two officers, and yet in the video there are several other Beaver Swat members, the one above photographed who come in from clear across the venue. It is completely out of security if your snipers are in the glass works to have your headquarters on the other side of the area. They should have been in Crooks building eating donuts.
What is the evidence in this is that this was a secure area, so anyone shooting from this area, either put a gun in position before the event or carried it in, and police missed it or let them.

The bleacher shot comes from the HSI Officer area..........I have no idea what that means, and where Beaver County Swat entered.

Butler Command Post is right beside the Lodge roof. The short of  this is the line of firing from these bullet paths.

So now we have an absolute lock on where every law enforcement was supposed to be and where they came from. That is important as we now have a bleacher shot coming from HSI or the Washington County Sniper area, before Crooks opened fire.

We have the video that someone shoots the North Barn SS Sniper team at least twice in the impact knocks the sniper off his position. This comes from the trees.

Yet in this, there is video of a number of cops standing outside the North Barn. The map does not state what position this is and why they are eating donuts there. More of this is going to be revealed, but for now we have a written in stone official posting of where local PA law enforcement were stationed.

For the record, local, state and federal law enforcement should have been in the barns to coordinate communications and command. Their areas of security all should have had a base commanding officer t to monitor as relay in his officers with the main command.

That is if in a democratic swing state of union cops did not want anyone to not get shot that day.

Nuff Said
