Saturday, August 17, 2024

Insider to 2024 Election


Yeah this is road kill protein 20 year old body that taught
Kamala Harris to bark like a dog.......taught Jill Biden a few things
to fuck Joe's brains you know why he got senile.
Bobby The Deuce Kennedy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know if Jeff Rense is playing ignorant or if he has mssed WWE theater in only voicing about it, in what Bobby Kennedy is up to. You have probably read that Bobby Kennedy had a sit down with Donald Trump, then leaked the Biden phone call which all worked for Trump.

Then you read that Bobby Kennedy was trying to get a cabinet job with Kamala Harris. CABINET, remember that as that is a big slot, meaning he knew there was not a snow balls chance in hell he would get that post.

So what was he doing? Exactly what the flat brain Kamala Harris campaign reacted like in being complete assholes. They SPEWED HATE at Kennedy in not wanting some MAGA candidate anywhere near them.

Now hang onto this, as Bobby has been baiting the press with dead bear road kill biting his hand and with a hot chick gnawing on a goat in South America, ,but the dino media said it was dog in Korea, in they got it wrong. Bobby countered with, "Yeah I been picking up road kill all my life".

Does not sound very Kennedy does it? It though is the what GENS all get as Ricky Vaughn humor. He is playing to the GEN crowd and it is working....working in those voters are not voting for Big Mammy Kamala as Donald Trump with Elon Musk is tapping a voter block that Harris does not even know exists.

This is me and one of my many hot conquests like all Kennedy men have.
I bbq'd the goat, taught her to eat meat, and she put the flame to my
smoke pole in the jungle all night long.

Bobby The Deuce Kennedy

Meet you on the other side.

RFK Jr Reveals His True Colors By Shamelessly,
Pathetically, Groveling To The Kamal - Incredible
He Is A Complete Fraud And Always Has Been

See Rense missed it all or he has no idea what WWE is. Bobby Kennedy just got thrown off the ballot in New York, those voters are on the market now, and by his road kill and what that fucked up Harris campaign came down on Bobby Kennedy with, they are not going to be voting for Kamala Harris in November.

Everything Bobby Kennedy is engaged in, is helping Donald Trump and is crippling Kamala Harris in Obama Inc, as these suits have no idea what this conversation is about, as Stephen Colbert is such an old fart like Jimmy Kimmel, that this goes over their heads like Joaquin Phoenix brain kicking David Letterman which pissed Letterman off to the max, but Phoenix was playing GEN ball and the GENS get what is going on in their own universe.

I only do stud men movies as the year of queer has flamed out.
The greatest actor ever, Joaquin Phoenix

So don't be hating on The Deuce. The WWE baited in that idiot Harris team and they reacted like the radicals they are in a cheap juvenile response in being pissy. That is what they were set up for, and just remember when Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy can manipulate these wokesters this easy,, that Putin and Xi are going to do the same thing. Harris' people are Letterman Cocktail Crowd clueless

Damned bear had rabies, bit me, I cured myself with a bottle of Jack
and rubbed some dirt on the wound.

Bobby The Deuce Kennedy
