Sunday, August 18, 2024

J 13


'Any suggestion the FBI is interfering with congressional efforts to look into the attempted assassination which took place in Butler, Pennsylvania, is inaccurate and unfounded,' an FBI spokesperson

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to begin this article with new information about attempted assassination in Pennyslvania of former President Trump, with the utter disappoint at the deliberate lack of their duty to report to Congress freely all information without being asked. In the investigation by Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana, he used the term obstruction and that is the case. What is as unacceptable is the FBI is engaged in actions which are deliberately destroying what little trust the public has for government in hosing down sniper roof tops and burning up bodies.

As a human, I believe in blind justice in being fair to all. That requires EMPATHY, the caring about what others would feel due to your actions. The awareness that Americans pay the salaries or the positions in the FBI, so the FBI is supposed to answer to Americans. Families like the Fire Chief who as shot in the head and died falling on to of his daughter as her last memory of this good man. They deserve better than what the FBI is engaged in. That is what the FBI exists for in protecting each American as no case is bigger than any American. That means Congress is informed and explained to, and if that is not acceptable to Congress, then the FBI ceases activity until it is approved.

I'm grateful for the family of the Fire Chief speaking out in catharsis and providing information which we are all not being exposed to. The statement of the daughter either not hearing the shot which murdered her father or all the shots were not heard, is important as she should have at least heard an electric crack of these 8 to 10 other rounds and nothing was heard.

I will not question what she heard any further as these people have been through enough as all Americans have in this, as this is about the police state in deliberately engaging in what was murderous activity in aiding this situation and the cover up like Jan6 or any other high profile event where we never will have the real story.

Corey’s daughter, Allyson, vividly recalled the moment when her father was shot, describing how he threw her to the ground to protect her. “I was the one that my dad threw down,” Allyson shared with WTAE. “As he was throwing me down, he, that was when he was shot. And he ended up falling onto me. And I — I don’t remember hearing any other shots, I don’t remember feeling any other shots, because like in that moment I was, like I was saying before, just trying to take care of him. I turned around, and I was like confused. And I went, ‘Dad?’ And when I turned is whenever he fell down.”

Allyson’s voice trembled as she recounted the aftermath. “And that’s when I started screaming,” she said. “And I was instantly, like, I was trying to keep him from bleeding. And somebody had thrown down a towel. So somebody behind us must have seen what was going on, and I was just — I was just holding it there and just screaming for anybody to help.”

What I desire to do with this post is to fill in more gaps. I believe Rep, Huggins is as honest as anyone and is probably Trump DIA connected and is part of this internal war which America is hostage over. I believe the Representative is a touchstone though of facts and his assessment is that the majority of Bulter's police state were doing their jobs and are honest people.

In my experience with Homeland agents, they were well trained, not like Myorkis who is a political stooge like Direct Cheatil of Secret Service. I state this as Homeland opened an investigation into Butler as has Congress. Both are superior to the FBI and the FBI should not have burned up a body without consent, as the fact is the Coroner of Butler stated he had custody of the body of "Tom Crooks"and would not have released it to be cremated if the FBI had not so directed.

In his report, Rep. Higgins noted that the FBI released the body to be cremated on July 23rd, just days after the incident. This decision was made despite the fact that both the Homeland Security Committee and the Oversight Committee had already initiated investigations into the shooting,

Below is the Scribs confidential letter of Rep. Huggins to his Chairman and there are real problems in this letter in what he found on site in Pennsylvania.

The major first red flag in this is that the Secret Service NEVER deploys counter sniper teams to former Presidents or events they are involved in. Considering the Trump Campaign was screaming for protection and denied. we now have a reality that although denied protection, or the first time in history counter sniper teams were deployed to Butler.

We might as well get the CIA conspiracy charge focused on this, because the logic is, SS knew a patsy was going to be in Butler and they wanted this person dead, or persons dead. I will conjecture that in a bit.

Secondly, Pennsylvania emergency response explained that they run all their com though a 9 11 center. EVERYONE is on that radio band. If there is a problem there is an alternative. band provided. Butler provided radios to Secret Service. They did not pick them up. Butler again informed the snipers on the morning of thee event that the radios were there to be picked up, the SS Snipers did not comply.

As this blog has noted, the last thing in a staged event is for SS and the police state to have a recording of their comments, recordings of gun fire or recordings of their being told 90 minutes before that there was someone across the venue who was a person of interest.

This is why Rep. Higgins is focusing on the Secret Service not securing this venue and the FBI breaking public trust deliberately.

Rep. Higgins has filed all the information we have seen. The John Cullen flash in the window is mentioned. That window has never been opened according to the glass company's employee who was in that room. So no window open to shoot from. It is deemed a deliberate addition by someone or a camera flash, no one knows. Mr. Higgins states he believes there was one shooter. I would disagree on the evidence of the Cullen left bleacher shot path and the  oil hose blown by a shot on that derrick.
The problem being this shot that wounded people came not from the direction of the Crooks position.
I'm not here to challenge Mr. Higgins, only making the point I'm convinced there were more than one shooter and I will elaborate.

We do discover for the first time the thought that "Crooks" was hit by the Barn Cop in a scratch shot which hit Crooks rifle and perhaps made it inoperable. This shot hit the stock, splintered and drove shrapnel into the face and shoulder of "Crooks"
As the body is ash, we will never erase all doubts that Mr. Huggins would have erased for the public.

The Lame Cherry will add one exclusive and it is the photo above in the Farmer Tan cop on the roof. In watching a reverse video of "Crooks" running the line on the roof to where he was killed, you can see by the junipers the Farmer Tan cop. This is the cop who climbed on the roof and fell off. He still is not bleeding in need of stitches, was not bleeding in another video of his falling off the roof and running out front of Crooks position, but this is the answer in who this cop was which no one has explained previously.

The conspiracy part of this is now engaged again as that is what the FBI and CIA intended in another cover up. Why would the FBI be hosing down a roof which was a crime scene, less than 24 hours after the event? The Sherlock Holmes logic would conclude two points.

Point One: Crooks DNA was not on the roof.

Point Two: Crooks DNA was on the roof, but so was another shooters.

The Lame Cherry theorizes a working scenario in this, based on the Roof Top Runner who was in the John Cullen video shot in the head from the right side as Donald Trump was starting to speak, and upon the second footage of the "Tom Crooks" shooter shot in the mouth as he was rising again after being splintered with a bullet.

How could one meld the two events.

As ANIFA and BLM had targeted Butler previously, what if there was a non lethal disruption plan for J 13. What if it involved fireworks or the Ridge Runner firing his rifle over the event to stampede people, as the crowd was almost stampeded and was only saved by Donald Trump raising his fist and calming them down.

So Ridge Runner gets on the roof, gets into position and  is sitting in plain view of what we could call Team 3, who immediately put him down, as that was what the plan was, to leave a dead patsy on the roof.

Next appears the sprinter who is called "Tom Crooks" He runs the course, has his backpack and rifle already on the roof and is not phased about a dead body laying 30 feet from him, as that is his alibi.  He crawls the roof, fires his shots, and is put down by the SS Snipers as was intended.

We now have an FBI problem, in Tom Crooks is reporting to the FBI about Butler events, and an Eric Holder type operation as in the Boston Blow Job had been set up to snare the Chinese connection to this out of Chinatown DC where the phone linking up with Crooks was at with the FBI. This would be China protecting their Biden interests and this would be Obama framing China to blackmail them for use against Russia, with everyone winning in a police crackdown of a deceased NeoDon.

So the FBI moves in, releases all the witnesses within hours. Say Trump was hit not by bullets but shrapnel, castigates the New York Post for publishing about a dead Chinese sniper,  hoses down the roof as it either does not have Tom Crooks DNA or has another person's DNA, as the FBI then burns up the body without anyone a most cooperative Crooks family linked to the NSA.

I do not believe Tom Crooks is alive.  He may have been neutralized before the event, in having left the ladder and bag which was reported, or he was one of the two shooters who were shown on the roof being shot.

I'm simply attempting to connect the visual evidence I have seen. I do not know how Farmer Tan and these other specialists could ignore another a body unless national security were invoked as this would be nuclear war. I return to actions in this blog pinpointed two dead bodies on that roof at the 7 ridge mark and 20 ridge mark.  The FBI is hosing down that roof due to DNA, either there is too much DNA or the wrong DNA.

This is stretching what logic could accept, but that logic was stretched in Dallas 1963 and those involved got away with that.

The conclusions are that Ridge Runner who was supposed to stampede the event was a patsy and Team 3 put him down. Team 2 was "Tom Crooks" who accepted the alibi. He perhaps was supposed to stampede too.The local cop who did the scratch shot on him from the barn complicated the matter as now he was shot and wounded. Wounded neophytes tend to talk to police when caught in being scared, so SS South Barn put him down as he poked his head up.

Team 3 was spraying the venue with bullets (nice try Exlax in you moved my cursor and it wiped all what I had just written) including NeoDon as this was his shelf life time. Like Boston, things went very wrong, like Dallas 1963. Team 3 pulled out and left this klusterfuck for the FBI to cover up as SS ran a delaying action which the DIA is stomping around sowing enough information to keep things hot, but not all of the information like the video below of a bullet coming not from Crook's direction.

Rep. Higgins expressed concern over this development, stating, “My effort to examine Crooks’ body on Monday, August 5, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact… the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after J13.” He further emphasized that neither the County Coroner, law enforcement, nor the Sheriff’s office were aware of the body’s cremation until his inquiry.

This part ends with the empathy for the families from Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland who are no different than the Fire Chief and all Americans as this is linked to J 6 by it being termed J 13 so we know this is the same operational groups running another mayhem and murder event.

All Americans have been betrayed again. This is without remedy in how heinous it all is as people are severely injured in this deliberately to destroy their trust in their government.

I honestly have no idea how this police state can do what it does without going insane in blaming Pennsylvania police to the trauma of all Americans over this operation and the cover up.

J. Edgar Hoover covered things up for the good of America. There is no good in any of this as the cover up is only for those agents involved in this.

Nuff Said
