Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Artificially Inseminated Kamala Harris

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is another day in the CIA Mockingbird where the New York Times and Washington Post, report that it was false that Kamala Harris inflated her events with AI fake people. The reality is, that Harris has been offering free concerts and busing in people they pay who are bums and weirdos to fill her seats. Even with that the real media with real experts reported that the Times and Post lied, in Harris did indeed fill seats with AI generated fakoids.

Even Without AI Being Used to Enhance Kamala Harris's Campaign, They Don't Look Good – RedState

Yeah, it's fun to watch Harris get out-attended by Trump, but in an age where getting extras into a building to pretend to be enthusiastic about a candidate isn't that hard, rally

Experts weigh in on whether Kamala Harris' 2024 election rally crowd photo was REALLY 'AI-doctored' | Daily Mail Online

AI experts have revealed that the image of Harris' rally in Michigan last week may have been edited, but not to the extent claimed by Donald Trump who said the vice president

I was listening to David John Oates speech reversals on Harris and Walz. Walz apparently is a fag and called his dad a faggot, called Harris a fake and angry, while Harris confirmed as much in her reversals, the reality is Kamala Harris sounds like a whiny Michelle Obama. Why someone in camp Obama did not send her to the Rush Limbaugh real radio announcer school, is perplexing as people can be taught to speak with a voice which is not irritating like Rush Limbaugh to keep DJ listeners, but a Dan Rather voice which is not irritating like David Letterman.

In listening to Big Mammy Kamala, something struck me in I had difficulty hearing her, in the high school type screaming crowds which were drowning her out in every sentence. That is not real and instead of a laugh track, the Harris campaign is employing a computer generated shriek meter. It is a very good program, nothing like the MASH horrid laugh tracks that got Alan Alda big liberal paychecks, but a GEN generated screaming. Kamala Harris has employed 20 year old AI to give the impression she has some kind of following.

Is this deceptive? Yes it is. Is it more deceptive than the media covering up that Frank Roosevelt was a gimp cripple in a wheelchair? I don't know as a lie is a lie and a deception is a deception. Obama had 10 million Republican votes to steal two elections. He rigged court records to oust an opponent in a Senate race. No way in hell did Geezer Joe generate over 80 million votes, more than Obama fraud.
For Donald Trump, his Elon Musk, Twitterview generated 1 billion viewers. One out of 7 people watched Donald Trump. That is better numbers than the anti Christ could put up and is amazing. It just is a reality of Donald Trump has real people watching him, while Kamala Harris has to have a scream track to con these wokesters that people really do want to vote for this woman.

We have seen too much of this in vanishing Popes at windows. Joe Biden passing through people. Michelle Obama's two state sized fat ass looking slim in motion coverage. This deception stuff is taking place all the time. The cartel puts up goofy Trump pictures non stop in deception to harm Donald Trump as much as the English press had Vladimir Putin dying every week from a new tampon issue in this betrayal of Western Peoples in what is not good for a free people to have a coordination of lies duping them.

This blog's numbers are suppressed constantly. They do not even match the daily reads which are always low on every article and yet I will hit trends and the numbers spike by several hundred times. This is all of the deception in our times.

What is bothersome in this is for someone like Ashley Judd or AOC, who got Joe Biden installed, and now we are approaching a world where the White People who Lord Austin persecuted out of the military are not signing up to defend this shit. Let us be frank in this in faked polls, faked votes and faked support aimed against the US silent majority has brought a world where Mosaad tainted Secret Service is almost successful in blowing Donald Trump's head off which would have set off a number of gun owners who would retaliate and numbers of those gun owners are in Russia and China, who have nuclear bombs and understand that a fake politician has zero backing in the public and the winners in wars are those peoples who are fighting for their nation. No wokester is going to out fight a Chinaman fighting for loot in America or a Russian fighting for Mother Russia.

That is why this matters. The people behind Trump convictions, and Kamala scream cheers, are getting away with allot of Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland dead Americans, who have lots of compatriots, and who are done supporting this shit show.  We are in America and the West, not approaching, but literally in the transition phase where this all comes to a penalty phase, where the Harris Walz degenerates are going to be spreading their ass cheeks to invading Chinese, while normal Americans are going to be standing back and in proxy letting the Eurasians clean this political cull faction out of the red, white and blue.

We still have a few moments to discuss this, before this goes beyond the contemplative phase of how many Harris  voters fit on the pin head of her rallies.

Just remember we got into this mess, because a bunch of sore losers in the Bush family went after Trump and Bush fam likes to cuddle with Birthers, and in this Frank Roosevelt political factions, they are criminalizing everyone, and we had Obama eating Joe Biden, sticking this Kamala Harris they did not want into the slot and convicting Donald Trump on bullshit. Kamala Harris is such a weak candidate that Eric Holder stuck her with this radical Tim Walz..........and again, we now have a backdrop of Secret Service for this faction trying to assassinate Donald  Trump and Robert Kennedy, while Kamala Harris has AI faked orgasms at her empty rallies.

The Lame Cherry appreciated Ashley Judd and AOC being adult after the attack on Donald Trump in being Americans. It would help a great deal if they could move to a bit of Tulsi Gabbard and point things out like the above that Kamala Harris is running fake AI and that this might get a few more years out of Alan Alda, it just does not work that way with political parties or the reality of war.

When Kamala Harris spoke of her being a prosecutor, what she is not informing you is she was indicting poor black kids, so Jewish real estate moguls could seize the family homes and then resell them to faggots to lure their money to San Fran. Kamala Harris was prosecuting 85 IQ lead paint eaters with no money for defense.  That was not being a prosecutor as it was a lynching. Her main conviction was draining her boss, Willie Brown of semen a few times a day. That is the reality of Kamala Harris. She took a knee to get to the  top and her financial owners in the dope and Jew money interests rewarded her with a Senate seat because she is not very intelligent and does not need things explained to her. She failed at all things Biden regime and now is using a sound track and concert tickets to give the public an impression which is deception that she has support.

The Kennedy's stole an election in 1960 from Richard Nixon. John Kennedy knew what he was doing, unlike Kamala Harris, and it still got him shot after he almost got the world nuked. This Kamala Harris AI rallies is a serious issue because the same dangerous world is out there. In this twilight's last gleaming, would it not be in the interests of Democrats to stand up and say Kamala has no clothes, she has no support and both parties should stop manufacturing these trolls for the people with money as their policies have really endangered all of us.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

