Thursday, August 22, 2024

Negative Policies


The day after vowing to devote his entire presidency to doing whatever Israel and Jews want him to do, literally telling Jews “you’ll have the presidency,”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have tried to talk myself into the Donald Trump dictatorship, because that Don Coin scam just might screw over the big shots as much as us. Donald Trump talks about dropping energy prices and I fictionally delude myself that he will end the Obama green 40% increase in our prices, and then he has JD Vance talking about starting removing 1 million invaders as Trump secures the border......

and then he starts worshipping the pawn brokers in religion and then he spouts off about AI and letting every Goddamn primate on the planet for this AI shit.

OK AI is artificial intelligence. It uses more electrical power than we will ever have, for "mining" e coins which have zero value. They are not like gold which exists they are not like coal which you can turn into something, based on a human's labor making a paycheck for value of your worth in making a product.

So I will translate Donald Trump on the other side.

The last time that Donald Trump drilled the baby, he drove up our gas prices in that LNP shit that shipped in subsidy to Europe, ,which we paid for and all this is doing is depleting our 200 year supply of being energy independent.
So when Donald Trump like on Jan6 invited people to show up for something wild, my hearing is acute to our energy is going to be gone and it will not be dropping our prices which would have spurred the economy to growth to fill in this massive debt inflations.

Mr. Trump bringing in more primate vermin will shorten supply for American people, will use up our elecricity, living space and fuel.

When I see a Dictator Kamala or whoever she is in form or a Dictator Don, there are going to be absolutes:

There is not going to be enough electricity.

There will be shortages as America's population which is now stealth 500 million will reach 600 million

There will be an erasure of the White Christian and a replacement with unGodly low DNA vermin.

The crackdown when it comes will target Americans.

The United States will be in full military retreat.

The United States will incur WMD terror events.

What most of us would be calling for, if we were right-wing politicians, would be a total moratorium on immigration: “We’re full, no one is coming in, we’re going to remove 30-60 million people before we even talk about anyone coming in at all.”

This blog was correct in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord in Mr. Trump's actions would eliminate MAGA.

At this moment, I am not understanding why the huge influx of these primates. They are a commodity to be exploited, but the world population is dying in a global implosion in Europe, China, Russia. There will be no market for these breeders as they toil not neither do they spin, meaning the Nazi needed forced labor, AI is self genearting, it can mine it's own coin, a robot can be the same fiction of an e coin. AI has moved past the human stagnant evolution as humanity in form has not grown from biological to spiritual.

The vax is eliminating a 90 percentile genocide. That is the only logical projection on outdated wetwear.

You will probably like Russia feel more secure from nuclear war under Donald Trump an not expect direct elimination on the right, but the left with Kamala Obama will only find comfort in their deviant escapes,as Donald Trump is in promotion of sex pervs and pedos now too.

Just do not expect good in what is being further established. It is not meant for you.

Negative policies do not produce positive results.

Nuff Said

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