Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Quadnuke Front


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By the headlines, there appears to be a manmade Schwabageddon appearing in using at one time viral, geo weapons and literal wars on several fronts to evolve a new super terrorists, before the November elections.

That is from Justine Trudeau of Canada and Klaus Schwab of the Rothschilds.

The headlines are appearing. I post this not to fear porn, but to inform. You must realize that as this is not natural, and man made, it therefore is a controlled escalation like the frog in the pan. The biological and geo weapons will make people feel this is an act of God, the ramicaitons of lack of banking, gas and food, will further be used to break them. The end will be this swirl which will produce a false peace.

The point is we are moving to a Quadnuke Front War. That will be Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

If you know what is out there, you have nothing to fear in Christ.

Unlike the U.S.A’s most recent Nuclear Posture Review which asserted its right to a “first nuclear strike” in “extreme circumstances,” China has a “no first strike” nuclear weapon policy.

to nuke oneself saves the time of goading an enemy to nuke you and provides cover to use nukes.

Nuff Said.

