Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Russia will detonate Tactical Nuclear Weapons as Next Response


 Olga Skabaeva.

Skabaeva, who in the past few days has faithfully followed Moscow's official position on the issue, "there is no concern from the invasion of Kursk" and tried to downplay the invasion, hinted after a security conference that Putin had with regional governors and military, that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if the invasion continues.

As the presenter reported live on Russian TV:

"The depth to which the invaders have reached inside Russian territory is beginning to cause concern. So I have to make a plea: Ukrainians, don't go any deeper. After all, we are a nuclear power."

A little earlier than the above highly ... televised comment, the Russian ambassador to the USA, Anatoly Antonov, had revealed speaking to TASS, that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has decided what will be the response of the Russian forces to the invasion of Kursk and hinted that this one will be particularly tough .

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are observing a prelude to something from Moscow. Thee exact state generated response above is for Kiev TO NOT GO ANY FURTHER after the NATO invasion of Russia.

Russia has responded with a large infrastructure attack on Ukraine, and hammered the F 16 base in Western Ukraine after an F 16 downed a Russian missile. Kiev is calling for NATO cover to unleash long range HIMARS and British Storm Shadows on Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Without conducting an inquiry into the matrix, the projection on this is what this blog stated earlier. Moscow will use thermonuclear warheads on it's own soil to obliterate Kiev Nazi invaders, once the threshold is met. The threshold is in all of these crossed Biden Harris lines is direct attack on Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The Lame Cherry assessment is that this is intended by Russia to bring this war to an end on her terms. IF though, the US moves with conventional weapons, the F 16's continue or Poland moves tanks into Western Ukraine, this will then move to a use of tactical nuclear weapons inside Ukraine and offending states as the Russian Navy has practiced.

NATO does not want a naval war with Russia as the will be obliterated.

The Obama 2024 election gambit to defeat Putin to defeat Trump is moving to a precarious defeat for Kabala Harris as Obama called her at the cock size speech at the DNC. If Russia moves as she is intimating, the American CIA will not back the District of Crooks, and thee electorate will pout out in asking "What the hell is America doing in a nuclear war?"

Russia is the only country known to have deployed dedicated neutron warheads for any length of timeThe country inherited the Soviet Union's ABM-3 Gazelle missile program, which has been in service since 1995 and includes at least 68 neutron warheads with a 10-kiloton yield each. The ABM system has been tested with inert missiles every other year since 1995. 
A neutron bomb is a small thermonuclear weapon that produces a large amount of lethal radiation but minimal blast and heat. It uses a few kilograms of plutonium or uranium as a fission trigger to ignite a fusion explosion in a capsule containing several grams of deuterium-tritium. The bomb's explosive strength, or yield, could be as low as one kiloton, which is a fraction of the 15-kiloton explosion that destroyed Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. Neutron bombs are especially lethal to enemy ground troops but would not seriously damage buildings. 
Some believe Russia might use a non-strategic nuclear weapon (NSNW) in a scenario where its troops are in retreat and facing a major defeat. They might also consider using an NSNW to "sober up" the West and coerce it into resolving a conflict on Moscow's terms.

Moscow has an ordered response which will clobber Kiev and shatter Kabala Harris' failing campaign for the White House. That is the small sack of potatoes. The big sack is now the promise that nuclear weapons will appear as a response as Russia defends her soil from invasion.

Listen to what Russia is stating. The CIA has heard it.

Russia with nuclear weapons is on the verge of checking NATO bullying in the center of Europe. In the South, Russia is in process taking control of the NATO flank with nuclear energy and provide Turkey with her own nuclear bomb material.

The Akkuyu project was presented by Erdogan as his plan to reduce Turkey's energy dependence, particularly on Russia. However, instead of achieving this, the BOO contract binds Turkey and Russia for the next century, through an expected 60-year operating cycle and subsequent decommissioning process.

Opposition parties in Turkey are against the project. To protect it, Erdogan signed an interstate agreement with Putin, making it constitutionally impossible for a future post-Erdogan government to challenge it.

This means that Russia, which is known for using energy as a geopolitical weapon, will have direct control of strategic infrastructure in a NATO country for 100 years, regardless of who is in power.

But this is not the only problem. The Akkuyu station is located near the Incirlik base, which houses NATO's largest nuclear weapons stockpile and serves as the alliance's mission support center.

The plant is also located near the NATO anti-ballistic missile radar in Curecic. The BOO contract allows Russia to maintain personnel and equipment near these NATO facilities. Turkey may build a new radar to protect the plant.

Nuff Said
