Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Gigantic Little Pawns

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in  matter anti matter.

While Tel Aviv and London expected missile barages from Moscow and Tehran over the two dictator states terrorism against Russians and Iranians, President Vladimir Putin has brought the Perisans to agree to a combined retaliation which will require some time.

The West should not be deluded by the absence of immediate revenge from Russia for the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region, writes the British Spectator. The publication notes that the Ukrainian invasion was accompanied by a massive information campaign in Western media, which one way or another fueled expectations of an immediate response from Moscow.

Spectator author Julius Strauss believes the lack of an immediate Russian response is correct and has no doubt that there will be a response. Although not the kind expected in the West in the form of a demonstrative crushing missile strike on some Ukrainian city or the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

While China is warning of Kiev attacks to it's people and NATO is mocking up nuke warfare drills, the Lame Cherry suspects that the Russians and Iranians are going to go small.

NATO Will Practice The Use Of Nuclear Weapons.

This does not mean targets of non consequence, but instead small soft targets which will make the West shudder.

I suspect that yes humans will be targeted, but that the real targets after the deflection will be like knocking of the leg of a chair and the entire chair and fat ass on it will hit the floor. Moscow knows of the imploding West and it is best to hit when the chaos is the diversion from the inside, than them from the outside, marking a retaliatory nuclear strike

Nuff Said
