Saturday, August 10, 2024

Silence Big Mammy is Speaking Her Piece


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In prelude to this,....Apparently Kamala Harris  missed the part where the Jews blew up the Hamas Peace Negotiator in Tehran last week, so Big Mammy's plea to get the deal done, is not going to get done to prop up the Harris Walz White House installment of election theft by invader voting.

Kamala apparently has missed that this war is being carried on by Tel Aviv, because she is sending billions of dollars in bombs to Tel Aviv. The IDF is raping male prisoners, shooting children in the brain and point one and two should be enough, as what do you think needs to be added...........shooting Donald Trump in Pennsylvania and blaming Iran to start a world war.

Two weeks ago before Harris had secured the Democratic nomination for president, she said: "To everyone who has been calling for a ceasefire, and to everyone who yearns for peace, I see you and I hear you. Let's get the deal done. So we can get a ceasefire to end the war."

After her speech was interrupted by protesters demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza, Harris said: "I'm here because we believe in democracy. Everyone's voice matters. But I am speaking now!"

When the group refused to stop protesting, Harris barked: "You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that! Otherwise I'm speaking!"

The protesters were then forced out of her event by police.

At least we have a order of battle for Big Mammy. She advocates democracy only so long as her rally attendees are being paid to support her or listen to her speak at a music concert. Other than that, people not agreeing to genocide and holocaust on the Kamala White House peace, they get their asses hauled away and silence by the Kamala police state.

Everyone does want Donald Trump to win, as Big Mammy and her lectures are the worst reality of politics for a price, as Kamala Harris is trading lives and free speech for the fiction she will fix this, when this is all her doing.

Democrats have no voice in the Kamala Harris Democrat Party.

Nuff Said
