Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The E Coin Hedge, Dollar Collapse and US Hegemony


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world is going to be remade under Donald J. Trump, JD Vance and The Deuce Robert F. Kennedy. The Peter Thiel and JD Vance production of E currency is what they have deemed to take over the world.........and I will bet that Meisterkrieg is behind this or the Confed 10 which will appear in Europe.

The theory is America will be stablized in e coin, while the Dollar absorbs the realignment, which is offset in the debt is transferred again to BRICS.

This will be epic Western Debt transfer by building a financial chasm which the small sums of Eurasia will be enveloped by. This is going to be Jekyl Island under Theodore Roosevelt in the transfer of European billions to own the Federal Reserve in a speculation which harnessed American production to bury the world.

What Bormann Group is establishing is America will produce e coin out of nothing and force the rest of the world to only buy and sell in that exchange, creating value, and oriented in Europe.

Former President Trump promised to make USA the "bitcoin super-power of the world," ensuring that cryptocurrency is "mined, minted, and made in the USA."

"We have to talk about Bitcoin. Our country is blessed with the extraordinary talent and genius in this room.

This spirit built America and will help us make it great again.

I admire what the Bitcoin community has achieved. In just 15 years, Bitcoin has gone from an idea to the 9th most valuable asset in the world.

It's already bigger than ExxonMobil and soon it will surpass the market cap of silver.

That's a big deal."

He went on with some big promises:

"I pledge the day I take office the weaponization against Bitcoin ends."

"On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC Chairman."

"I will immediately shutdown Operation Chokepoint 2.0"

Trump also confirmed that he will appoint a crypto advisory council with "regulations written by industry-loving people within 100 days."

Trump also confirmed that "there will never be a CBDC" while he is president.

"Those who say that bitcoin is a threat to the dollar have it exactly backwards, the danger to our financial future comes from Washington DC not crypto."

The Deuce expanded upon this epic idea which Donnald Trump with the Hillbilly Nazi has established in why Vance was chosen for all of this Vance is going to be the E Czar of the District of Crooks. This is the new monetary system which has democrats reeling as those like Gerald Celente think Big Mammy Kamala will win this election on abortion, when the monetary blitz is going to obliterate the anti E coin cabal which she is joined at the hip to.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. praised the role Bitcoin could play in improving the US economy and the American way of life as he spoke to an audience at the Bitcoin 2024 conference on July 26. He promised to sign a number of executive orders on his first day in office to begin the process.

Kennedy would sign an order requiring the US Justice Department and US Marshalls to transfer the 204,000 Bitcoin held by the US to the Federal Reserve to be held as a “strategic asset,” he said.

Furthermore, Kennedy said he would also order the Treasury Department to purchase 500 Bitcoin daily until the reserve reaches at least four million BTC.

The United States would attain “a position of dominance no other country will be able to usurp” and its Bitcoin reserve would eventually reach a value of “hundreds of trillions of dollars,” he promised.


In addition, CoinTelegraph's Derek Andersen reports that Kennedy would order the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to treat all transactions between Bitcoin and the US dollar as nonreportable and nontaxable. He would also order the IRS to treat Bitcoin as eligible for exchange into real property under the 1031 Exchange program, which provides incentives for real estate investment.

“Transactional freedom [is] as important as freedom of expression in the 1st Amendment,” Kennedy said, and Bitcoin can provide that freedom and help restore the United States economy to its condition before President Richard Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard to fund the Vietnam war. Kennedy added:

“Fiat currency was invented to fund war. […] If the world was on a BTC standard, there would be no more war because you can’t print Bitcoin.”

“I understand that tomorrow President Trump may announce his plan to build a Bitcoin Fort Knox and authorize the US government to buy a million Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset,” Kennedy told the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville on Friday, a day before Trump was scheduled to speak at the same event.

“And I applaud that announcement.”

Watch this one as Kennedy and Trump are in the TRANCE and this is where this is all moving now in tidal wave.

Butler PA did not happen because of Dictator Biden's losing in November. This reeks of Abraham Lincoln Green  Backs, John Kennedy Silver Certificates which were a threat to the Pawn Shop London Banksters control. The Meisterkrieg are transitioning to a new economic control.

This is what this is all about in the Don Coin.

Nuff Said
