Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Why was Thomas Crooks not Restrained?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us have come across the picture of Thomas Crooks from behind and now have been told it was taken by a Pennsylvania SWAT officer named Nicols. I have been thinking about that photo and a report I watched which revealed that Nicols said he was going off duty, and yet I believe saw him or he was mentioned later after the shooting in being on location, and he texted to his command that this person, had come in the back route the police had, had parked their vehicle next to a police unit, had seen where the SWAT sniper was set up and was looking at them.

This is something which I desire you to think about.

All US Law Enforcement is Mosaad conditioned. When in your knowledge have you ever know a cop to give you or anyone a break? When have you not heard that Ashli Babbitt, petite girl, unarmed, gets shot at point blank range by a cop. When have you not heard that another Afroid cop has taken a stick on Jan6 and beat Roseanne Boylands brains in and "killed" her? When have you not seen a cop robbing you in traffic stops? When have you not seen a cop go after someone, because they get off on it, and SWAT is the top rung of aggressive in going after people as that is how you get ahead in Cop Inc., as you make your collar, file your report, get your promotion and get noticed by Homeland and end up in the big show.

When have you ever seen a cop, unless a donut is involved in ,not engaging in their conditioning and putting their hand on their weapon, pulling their weapon, grilling someone and when their orders are to secure a location for a VIP Secret Service candidate, not put a person of interest into plastic cuffs, and haul them into a police vehicle or into a shed where the other police are at, and sort things out as THAT IS PROTOCOL?

The New York Post
which has had numbers of correct exclusives in this, including the first of a Chinese shooter being taken down, stated that Crooks was noticed 3 hours before as a person of interest. The photo of crooks was taken 90 minutes before the shooting.

It is a certain that if Officer Nicols or any of these cops in their venue had used plastic restraints that Mr. Crooks would not be dead now as he would have been in custody and his story would have been gone through with his pockets and law enforcement would have found receipts and most likely come across the gun which he had stashed for pick up, in the bushes or the roof.

This private property where Crooks location was, was the command of the PA Swat. Yet we see recordings of numbers of people trespassing there, with Donald Trump just on the other side of the fence.
When someone from the Glass works tries to get the people moved, a police car appears and apparently the people get to stay, with the police not checking anyone, including Crooks who is photographed standing there alone.

This becomes even more out of security in the Post learned that Crooks (if it was his vehicle) also had a bike he was riding around loaded down. He left it unattended. Seriously, you are at a public event, with a bike that has bags all over it, and the SWAT does not notice this and no one checks this unattended bike out, which in all law enforcement would be an alert for something that might blow up.

That is just a few thing which make absolutely no sense in PA law enforcement. Thee only guy I witnessed doing his job was a Pennsylvania State Trooper with his gun out and up on table, trying to see on the roof were Crooks was said to be.

Cops are trained to draw weapons and if there is  a shooter, they are ordered to fire on that position, whether they hit or not as this is to disrupt the shooter.

Crooks was said to have explosives like the DC Piper. There his bike sits though unattended and fully loaded with no law enforcement even focused on this glaring object before or after, with Donald Trump and his supports a rock throw to the left of this bike.

There was an absolute failure in Pennsylvania. As the Cullen video indicates a shooter from the south, that venue was a failure too. All of these people are trained and yet no one was doing their job. That does not make sense in knowng how cops get off on rousting people, so no one was doing their job, because no one intended to do their job so this shooting would take place.

We will never know the Truth. We will only have the glaring questions and evidence which has filtered out, proving that we are not being told again the entire story.

Nuff Said
