Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Guy Who Has Been Dead 500 Years


Lyndon said he could clip my ear with his cowboy gun and we would win the election.

It is obvious John Kennedy was in on his assassination like Donald Trump was, as Kennedy had two prior attempts he "escaped" and only messed up in Dallas Texas when he requested like Donald Trump to have someone crease his ear like Roy Rogers does in the movies.

- Lame Cherry
(this is satire for you dimwits)

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So Rense had on this link about the staged assassination of Donald Trump and I was curious in what the nattering was about, and read it and started rolling my eyes in how simpleton the 23 points were by this dude.

Étienne de La Boétie

Étienne or Estienne de La Boétie (French: [etjɛn də la bɔesi] , also [bwati] or [bɔeti]; Occitan: Esteve de La Boetiá; 1 November 1530 – 18 August 1563) was a French magistrate, classicist, writer, poet and political theorist, best remembered for his intense and intimate friendship ...

I looked up who this boob was and it turns out he died around 500 years ago. He looks amazingly well preserved for a dead French guy who is an expert on assassinations. He also looks like my liberal cousin Tony and I wouldn't trust what that idiot has to say either.

I have a challenge for everyone who says Trump was in on it, and his ear wound was fake or self inflicted. It is pretty simple really and Tony French Fry above can put his money where his always expert is as he apparently has lot of money in writing things and has all kind of internet to research things. Here are his bullet points in why Donald Trump was not shot.

  • "The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear," Jackson wrote.

  • "There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear," he said.

  • "Given the broad and blunt nature of the wound itself, no sutures were required."


Here is the challenge to prove Donald Trump was not injured.

Tony French Fry goes out and buys ear plugs. He next goes out and buys a 25 caliber air rifle. He next goes out and buys are gun vice. He next goes out and buys a head vice. He next goes out and buys some twine and a pulley.

OK, he first pounds the pulley with the twine facing him. He puts the gun vice facing him. He puts the head vice facing the air rifle. He lines this all up with an open action air rifle so no one is hurt, using a melon as his head.
When everything is lined up, he puts the melon in the fridge adjusts the air rifle to the muzzle is exactly the top of his ear where Donald Trump was wounded. He can have a mirror out front of him so he can see it is all as it should be.
Next Tony loads the air rifle, takes the safety off, makes sure his head is never in the way of the muzzle, sits down, makes sure the muzzle is the exact spot Donald Trump was shot again, and he carefully pulls the twine which has been attached to the trigger, and of course he as put his ear plugs in.

Now he can use his cell phone to record all of this for scientific purposes. A 25 caliber air rifle bullet is every close to a 223 bullet and it really does not matter the speed of the projectile.

OK so he shoots his ear. For scientific purposes he should lay on the ground for a bit like Trump did. Maybe he could get some fat friends to tackle him and lay on him a bit, so we could get a real blood pressure reading on ear bleed.

He could then get into his SUV, go to the emergency room, announce he has shot himself like Donald Trump to prove Donald Trump was in on it, and then we will have a medical record to compare to Dr. Jackson.

Instead of mouthing off about things which would require dozens of people who would blab to the DOJ to get Donald Trump arrested like he has been on other charges, Tony could really show he is a leader in this investigation where 

This goes back to the John Kennedy situation in he was going to lose in 1964 as he was unpopular. No one believes Kennedy was in on anything and as this blog has noted, real people were murdered and were injured. No one in their right mind agrees to having bullets fired anywhere near them. I mean Nom de Deus, the way Trump is hated, there is not any way he could pull off a fake assassination as it would be discovered.

So as this blog has stated, Bulter was staged. That is what Republicans in Congress like Clay Higgins is stating what this blog stated, venues were left open, like in Dallas Texas and other locations, in the knowledge that with all these inflammatory rhetoric out there, someone will appear sooner or sooner. The same horrid media got William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt assassinated.

Bulter is complicated as these operations are, as Congressional Republicans are naming this J 13 like J 6, intentionally linking the same plotters to that murderous set up. They know enough to have this linked up in this was a set up in this John Brennan CIA, Peter Strzok FBI, NSA intelligence with foreign enemies in London appeared again in this situation. Just as George HW Bush was buddies with the guy who shot Ronald Reagan, those behind this, hooked this up to the FBI in that cell phone visitor to Tom Crooks and amplified with with Chinatown, a dead Chinese shooter according to the New York Post and the parting gift of there were talking points in Trump was not shot really which persisted............meaning that it appears someone was spiking an Obama ANTIFA spoof to stampede the people there to end p like Roseanne Boyland at the US Capitol, but the clever trolls as in the Boston Blow Job had someone tie a can to the tail of the police state in they sent in real shooters, so the fun and games were over.

As a candidate who brushed off in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, brushed off a knife wielding Obama voter, could media savvy Donald Trump practiced like in WWE what he would do if such a situation like numbers of candidates face, practiced and had in mind what he would do? Of course as he is not uninformed. Look at his mug shot, Donald Trump chose that look as he knows propaganda promotes. Politicians kiss babies not because they like the scent of milk shit but they hope one will make an epic pick they can ride to a victory.

The Lame Cherry should not have to explain these realities. We have all grown up with media promotion and know how it Doritos and Coca Cola work. What bothers me is the lack of empathy in the people who forget real people who were murdered, were injured, who have families hurting yet, like the Fire Chief's wife who has broken this down to "My husband took a bullet for Donald Trump". That woman is really injured in she has been cheated out of her retirement years with her husband. Someone saying Bulter was staged is a psychological rape on this family and on the thousands of people there who are still furious that this kind of violence was unleashed in their community.

The Lame Cherry will end with this Tony French Fry statement.

The “Government” Largely Depends on Enough People Supporting the System, so the Propagandists Need to Trick the Population into Investing Themselves in a Leader 

That is about as ignorant of statement in the reality of this age as has been stated. CIA Director William Colby, later assassinated, was a Bill Clinton supporter. If one is informed, they have read of the Franklin Scandal, in Colby speaking on the subject, in being highly distressed that someone was involved in destroying the public trust in government which is what the CIA was fixated on, in order to manipulate the populace. This projecting by this group who is in control has used every means from "conspiracy theories", stolen elections, hunting people down on Jan6 to whatever we are all lied to about that we know is bullshit. That is what Butler was at base, another rape of trust in America, not by Donald Trump, but by those who are pitting us against each other. Is Donald Trump to be trusted? His record on MAGA and on Jan6 says otherwise. He is a product of a faction.

In closing, if you were Donald Trump, and you knew how many deranged people hated you, inside law enforcement, would you not be deranged to be part of a plan brought to you which started with, "to get you elected we are going to spray bullets all around a venue you are speaking with".

All of this gets exposed in time, from the warning to John Cullen to not over extend as his working theories were very good, but when parts are proven wrong, then it lessens his other points.
