Thursday, August 22, 2024

Obama Talks About Cock Size


Tell me about black cock size Barack, that is what I want to hear.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a sea of White pasty liberal faces at the Democratic National Convention, Barack Hussein Obama talked about cock size in an epitaph of lewdness on the Obama legacy. Obama did this in the same Kamala Harris southern Nigger cadence as he auditioned to the same racist liberals at the DNC as before, conjuring up the voodoo magic that made tingles run down these people's legs before in having their own designer negro in the house again.

In contrast, Donald Trump in response, said he liked the Obama's, but they were weak. Donald Trump looked Presidential as Barack Hussein Obama unleashed again the politics of hate and racism

To make the point, the image Obama just cost Kabal Harris, which is what the Birther named her as in a Bidenesque type shattering of the English language again, the White House, as Blacks do not like being portrayed as Niggers, Latins do not like Nigger talk. Evangelicals do not like lewd talk, and the Independents want a form of civility. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris have been rude, shrill, lewd and the disgusting woke deviants that America has rejected and moved away from.

Someone who was in the Oval Office talking about cock size. It reminds me of a conversation where Illinois Democrat Stephen Douglas was told by another politician, "No one is going to be elected President of the United States who spells Nigger with two G's". The point being Douglas used the word Nigger and Northerners would not vote for someone who spoke like that. Donald Trump spoke in a civil Presidential way. Barack Obama violated that again, "Down Home Mammy" Kamala just lost this election even with vote fraud over this Obama most uncivil stunt.

I guess the Obama's do not want Kamala to win.and have plans for Big Mike in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord. That is why Obama talks about cock size at the DNC.

This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

