Monday, August 19, 2024

The Problem of Kamala Obama in Market Marxism


Barry I long for the days when we ate turds out of our toilets.
I want to bring this to America.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a din around Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, which is by Obama Bush design. The refrain on the right and then the echo chamber on the left, which is designed to hide what she is in too much information being produced.

The Lame Cherry is going to break this down in what is wrong with Kamala Harris, and it is why your chip bags at the grocery are small and you are being cheated, so you can relate and understand all of this.

The problem with Kamala Harris is that Barack Hussein Obama ended the George W. Bush tax cuts for people like you. George HW Bush and Bill Clinton did the same thing in "no new taxes" and retroactive taxes to kill the Reagan expansion.

Obama then coupled this tax rapine on you, with a 40% increase in your cost of living by driving up gas prices, in shutting off Canadian pipelines and FORCING YOUR POWER COMPANY TO BUY 40% OF THEIR ELECTRIC THEY SOLD YOU FROM WIND AND SOLAR WHICH WAS DOUBLE THE COST OF COAL WHICH YOU WERE BUYING.

This is what caused your being hit with high prices. Companies being hit the same, had to find ways to deal with this so your Doritos would survive. The answer is smaller packaging.

This is compounded in these Mexcians and Muslims are changing the diet in America. They do not drink milk, do not eat cereal, do not eat eggs, so these food items are being replaced by tomatoes and corn and couscous. This is shattering price structures in entire industries as Malt O Meal is not selling, Malt comes from beer and the Meal is farina wheat, and this goes to everything else as Mexicans buy used cars, eat corn, buy cell phones and that is it. They add nothing to the economy to employ you to pay your salary or raises.

Kamala Harris is an Obama answer in price controls, which will fix nothing, but bankrupt more revenue producers. 

What needs to be done is simple. You solve problems with increasing production which lowers prices due to increased supply. Deporting Mexcians and Muslims is a step to cut a blood sucking drain on an economy in key resources.

The complete fix is get rid of Obama energy mandates and let the market choose supply. This will drop your costs of living 40%. Remove all regulations linked to California, so 50,000 dollar cars are back to carburetors and cost only 10,000 dollars new.

I can Milton Friedman fix this in 18 months. I could speed this up if Donald Trump gave everyone a 250,000 dollar e coin account to spend ON AMERICAN GOODS, like these Ford 1966 Mustangs with carburetors. Ban hedge investments in real estate to crash that market so it will work for consumers as Hank Paulson did under Carter and Reagan across the board, and this will fix.

If Americans allow Kamala Obama to implement Market Marxism, you will have a worse depression economy a decade from now, just like Frank Roosevelt ruined the US economy in the Great Depression in his socialist programs and using "a disaster too good to waste" to destroy American freedoms. It will be a nuclear war which will start due to Harris policies as that is what they will generate, with an Invader War breaking out all across America for a fight for all lives.

I'm going to keep this short so it sinks in, and you retain the basics of Milton Friedman who fixed America after dollar oil and Jimmy Carter stagflation under Ronald Reagan. It is disgusting ot me that I'm the only one who is writing of how to fix this with proven methods, and no one is mentioning the economist Milton Friedman to counter the Market Marxism of Kamala Harris so Americans will comprehend we have had this ruination before and Kamala Obama is  bringing it again at America's darkest hour.

