Monday, August 19, 2024

The Jewocracy of Holocaust Week


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this on August 19, the leak has appeared that Naval Intelligence Officer Bob Woodward who brought down Richard Nixon in a coup, will unleash on Dictator Biden and Harris for an October Surprise.

My children ad my brats, this book is entitled WAR. Do not miss this fact in what the DIA and NIA knows is coming, and for that matter the CIA with Bill Burns who appears to have been trying to head off the planned escalation against Russia for months.

WAR, get the point in this, in we are about to have two manufactured wars in the Mideast and Ukraine to help out the Jewocracy of Kiev and Tel Aviv rule from American ashes. When Woodward's book hits and America has been bled as second gusher, people are going  to be most interested in what Woodward is stating as fear is going to be driving this.

We know Donald Trump is DIA, we know the CIA has been in it's own protection racket in these Obama wars, and now the NIA, (this is the CIA of the Navy which is the real established power) is moving in this election to protect the US Navy, in their American interest and that protection means they are moving what they can to get TRANCE into office.

It appears that all hell is going to break loose at the DNC Chicago convention, as pallets of ANTIFA bricks have appeared again. I do not know if Big Mammy will obtain the nomination or Big Mike of South Side Chicago will appear to restore peace in this staged event.

I'm certain though that before mid September there will be some kind of Mideast war events where a pile of Americans will be killed, the blame will be heaped on Biden as he could not be woken up, and this will put Kamala Harris in charge at the White House, to run as "president" with Tim Walz.

I have told you previously that the plan is to defeat Putin in October to defeat Trump in November. That is where this is gearing up, and it looks like the CIA, NIA and DIA are doing all they can to stop this war.

Remember that Kamala as sworn in president is not Kamala in January as it could be Big Mike as the nominee or it just might be Donald Trump.

We have allot of projections here which may or may not manifest, depending on how Chicago goes. Obama and Pelosi with Schumer did in Joe Biden for a Kamala no one wanted, and now the chant is 68 Riots, for those who are not aware of 1968, that was the year the Soviet anti war protests came to the DNC in Chicago in the Lyndon Johnson's war in Vietnam. The democrat czar of Chicago was Daley and he unleashed his police force on kids protesting being drafted. They beat the hell out of kids and it was a wound the democrats never recovered from.  That is what they are talking about now and why merchants there are boarding up businesses as this is Obamaland, and it bleeds from Obama dope lords. If Big Mike wants to be the nominee, all he has to do is tell the ghetto to burn Chicago down, and it will so terrify those White Pedosexuals which are the DNC that they would vote for Donald Trump as their nominee to save their lives.

We shall see, but this might be real gangsta entertainment for  the next few months.We should see what kind of balls Michelle Obama has in going after their own to get what they want.

We will know more after the coming line up is established, but while Chicago might get a brick headache, Bob Woodward is trying to keep Chicago and America from a nuclear glow for Obama Inc power grabs.

Pallets of bricks delivered ahead of Chicago DNC; Antifa prepares for ‘summer of rage’

Suspicious deliveries of bricks have been reported in multiple locations across Chicago as the city braces for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 'Hell Week.'

Nuff Said

Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers - YouTube

May 3, 2012 ... The official Games Without Frontiers video. Follow Peter Gabriel on Spotify: Options ...
