Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Smoking Gun of the Trump Assassination


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the smoking gun of the Trump assassination in Butler PA. I have resisted in delving into this, because all reality disappears in this assessment in you can not believe anything you have witnessed with your own eyes.

I'm going to provide for you irrefutable evidence that someone tampered with the videos which the police have released to the public and it was deliberate. You are going to be looking at a number of photos in this, but the Lame Cherry will start out with the revelation which I discovered on August 20 in reviewing what I call the Farmer Tan Cop Footage. I was reviewing this, and looking for blood as he was supposed to have cut his had deeply and needed stitches.

It was though in the final seconds of this almost 7 minute video which caught my eye in something was wrong. I have explained previously that to the ducts on this shooter building, the Secret Service dude video clearly shows that the blood trail is on Ridge 7. In the Farmer Tan video the blood trail is on Ridge 4. The Lame Cherry will have even more irrefutable evidence in what follows. The conclusion of this popular girl is, that we are witnessing Artificial Intelligence videos in what a computer was instructed to massage together. In having dealt with AI and posted previously the odd things AI generates in how it "understands" things like a giant Biden and a regular Biden in the same photo, 

Examine the two police videos below.

Right click on the photos and open them in a new window. Then study the blood trail as they do not match. The Farmer Tan video which is within minutes of the Crooks person being shot, shows blood still congealing in a large flow, and puddles at the roof edge at Ridge 4.

The Secret Service video at Ridge 7, shows a thin blood trail, which is divided and no heavy pooling at the roof edge. Clotted blood does not flow in bloocbergs floating off a roof edge.

What is evident is a blood trail in two different locations, in two different forms, in two different locations.

The only conclusion is that someone used AI to assemble one or both videos and this is what the AI understood the data to be.

This blog previously showed that the ridge positions of the FOX news roof runner from west to east was at ridge 7 and the "Crooks" position was at Ridge 20. Ridge 7 was shot minutes before in the Trump speech with a head shot. Ridge 20 was the "Crooks"shooter shot minutes later.

Now we have Ridge 4 entering the data with PA cop standing over a blood trail there in wide and ample form. These are 3 videos with 3 different visual data.

We know from another video the shooter route to Ridge 7. We even have a sniper photo, through a screen, meaning the window had to open, of "Crooks" sitting on a wall and then moving out of sight where he was lost and for some reason the sniper left his post to attempt to find "Crooks" on the ground and unarmed.

There is the TMZ video which I took a screen grab of and the video from the same video which has a security light with a blue light sensor on it. The camera angle does change from left to right. The distance between the light and the silvery leafed tree closes, but you can see the same protruding tree branch at the upper corner of the video in the first image and it is by Farmer Tan in the second. The security light is almost the same in both photos, but why is the second building roof line in the second photo and not in the first photo?

This is not as definitive as the blood trail changing location and width, but it is an anomaly which exists.

One can pinpoint  locations on the roof and the light, by a dirty drain line coming over the edge.  It is one ridge in the first photo and 2 in the second. This details the geometric angle of the camera moving left to right. In my Newton physics and geometry when a view point moves left to right, objects like a ridge line and security light should close distance and not expand from 1 to 2 ridges.

The conclusion on the blood trail evidence is that AI massaged the data as they do not match. That is conclusive and the rest is a skewing which only affirms that things are moving and  this was done deliberately as one does not put Michelle Obama's two state zip code fat ass on live feed and it comes out not looking two state size fat ass, without that subterfuge being intentional.

As police recorded video starting SWAT and Secret Service has been altered and released, we are never going to know what was legitimate, what was added, what was AI engaged in what AI does in producing data which is filled with enough anomalies that it reveals itself as generated.

When we can not trust what we are seeing, then it is a great deception, in we can not trust anything.

Watchdog group: FBI is hiding records on Trump assassination attempt

.........and what is being released is AI altered.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

