Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Squawk Box


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to admit something and that is I DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER to this one, but it has been hinted at here for years in the Missing Link. So when I read the DIA Joe Hoft, or DIA Donald Trump, for DIA Tucker Carlson is focused upon Roger Stone in stating this:

The Same People Who Killed JFK And Removed Nixon
Are Behind The Attempted Assassination Of Trump

The Lame Cherry has a little fill in the blank in all of this.

Do you know how seemed to appear around every upheaval that America has suffered in this past generation? It is the above personality being championed as the whistle blower. I do not know if he was CIA operations or a DIA political officer, but this guy is always shadowing all of the major people and events.

I will add to the first paragraph above a simple caveat. I do not know who this person is in the Missing Link, but I'm certain that if I could ask one person who I have never breached this subject, they would be able to tell me the exact scenario and by that I would know who was behind this in instigating it.

No I do not mean Tel Aviv, nor do I mean the point men in the CIA and FBI who we all have the names for. I mean this closed circle where there is a guiding hand that keeps moving a few key people to obtain the objective which the cartel desires.

This blog has noted in this theater, that in Butler PA, you have Heritage feeding information from the DIA, linking China, linking DC, linking the FBI. The DIA is planting information as it did in Russiagate to point to the people behind it. That was the NSA. The NSA was hacking Hamrod and the Georgia elections. This blog proved a military intelligence link between the Crooks family an the NSA.

This same pool swirls and is in contention.

I will make one statement which I have never made for your exclusive. My gut tells me that the person mentioned above was one of CIA's William F. Buckley's "old school" minders, who shepherded Ronald Reagan and put into place the adept William Casey to handle the Reagan file

This does get a bit complicated in factions, but the current CIA Director in Bill Burns, seems to be of the same Clinton support group as William Colby who had that "accident" and was fixated upon trying to stop what we have now in the destruction of the trust in government as the system.
Burns seems to have been doing everything to stop the planned war with Russia and Iran as the CIA signaled early that America or their control group is going to be shattered. The CIA protects itself.

Just making the point that just because someone is on a side you did not vote for, does not put them in that category as they have their own allegiances.That is too much information in diverting from the content of the article in examination.

There is allot of Mockingbird shit, allot of maneuvering and for your sakes, keep your mouths shut, do not post on things, and just behave yourselves as the real power behind all of this in the Meisterkrieg is moving forward and America is no more than a backwash to their tidal wave of change. The swirl of Big Mammy is nothing to them.

Biden Will Resign In September With A Power Transfer
To ‘President' Kamal Harris
