Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Kamala Size Bag


Kamala price control Snacks

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is not a need to wait to hear what candidate Kamala Harris is going to promote to save thee American people from the Obama economy which she and Joe Biden have been overspending and strangling to death, bankrupting Americans due to price increases for the millions of invaders she has let into America with their trillions in give aways in massive spending for holocaust wars.

The Lame Cherry desires to address Kamala Harris directly in educating each of you in what she is going to announce in PRICE CONTROLS, so that you will not be gouged at the grocery store. To do this, the Lame Cherry will take you back to 1971 when the Dollar was taken off the gold standard and pegged to oil, and prices in America rose sharply hurting consumers.

This was during the administration of Richard Nixon, who was a socialist even though he was in the Republican Party and a foreign hawk on policy. Richard Nixon with Donald Rumsfeld acting through the Cost of Living Council, engaged in price controls to attempt to protect American consumers. This is exactly what Kamala Harris is going to do.

What I want to ask you is this first. You work at a job or have retirement. If Kamala Harris froze your wages, would that stop the costs of the electric company from going up? The price of wheat on the Chicago futures trade? How much it costs to pump oil out of North Dakota? The answer is NO IT WOULD NOT, because those costs are still going up while you are being pegged in not being able to gain more money for the costs.

That is what price controls are. In Richard Nixon's time, the administration tried to cut the costs of meat, by price controls on beef. The butcher was told you could only charge so much. The problem was the butcher's costs were going up, as inflation, and that is what this is for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden spending and invasion are driving every person's prices up.

In order to not go bankrupt, the butcher and grocery had to get inventive in these new cuts of beef started appearing so they could make up the cost they were incurring. The new cuts, eliminated the price control cuts, so the price controls eliminated a category and people were still having to pay what beef cost to produce.

The genius economist, Milton Friedman phoned Donald Rumsfeld and told him to stop doing all the things the Nixon people were doing as people would start thinking price controls worked, when all they did was make the situation worse as inflation was still the entire problem, not meat or eggs. Soon enough the price controls vanished as market forces began corrections, without the problem now of massive Obama taxes and Biden spending.

I would invite you to read Milton Friedman as he was a wonderful teacher and could explain in depth how economics worked and how market forces will rectify things and governments only make things worse.

This is a quote from the above lecture from Milton Friedman.

 The wholesalerssay, “Our costs have gone up so we must charge a higher price,” so they charge a higher price to the retailers. The butchers say to the housewives when next they come in, “We’re very sorry to have to do this to you; it isn’t our doing, but our costs have gone up so we have to charge you a higher price.” Everybody along this chain, except way back at that auction where there is nobody who has any costs that he can look at in the same sense, is honestly charging higher prices because his costs have gone up. And yet, taken altogether, the increase in prices clearly reflects the increase in demand at the final stage. That is the way it is in the economy at large. Every manufacturer says, “I have to charge higher prices because my wages have gone up,” but the reason his wages have gone up is because there’s been an increase in demand somewhere else which has led somebody else to try to bid his workers away from him, or he’s been trying to bid workers away from somewhere else. The ultimate source of the increase in price has been an increase in monetary demand. 

Things are much worse now as open borders have depleted items available and debt spending which means money creation is over a trillion dollars more ever 100 days. That is robbing each of you as each trillion more makes money of less value, like if you had 10,000 washing machines on your front lawn you would give the things away as you and no one else would want them. Coupled with this Nazi system of imported Mexican cheap labor, and what America is facing now is an Armageddon, compared to the monetary quake which Richard Nixon was trying to deal with.

What Kamala Harris is advocating has been tried, has been proven ineffective, has been show to hurt Americans worse, and this is coming from Milton Friedman who was the godfather of the Reagan Economics which produced a 30 year expansion, until Bush41 taxed it to death with Bill Clinton.

I can predict what will happen with Kamala Harris economics. It will mirror Jimmy Carter in ordering you to conserve things making your lives more miserable in cold houses and putting along in traffic snarls as Stagflation, meaning your costs will skyrocket, but you will have less money. Sounds familiar to what we have had under Obama to Biden, and that is what will take place, but it will be an epic depression, made worse as Frank Roosevelt made the Great Depression worse by his "no catastrophe shall be wasted" to extend political dictatorships.

You have seen the smaller chip bags in the grocery store due to this Obama economy in Bidenomics. What Kamala Harris is advocating will leave you with an empty bag at 10 times the purchase price.

Those are the facts and there is nothing pretty or sexy in this............especially bringing your own sex toy to a rally to draw a crowd in self demonstrations.

Kamala needs some weight control or a larger sex toy as the ultimate pussy stand is not up to the challenge.
