Monday, August 26, 2024

Thee OBAMIST - Kamala Harris for your Starvation and Death

Kamala Harris thee Obamist Threat to the World

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If price gouging is taking place in the Joe Biden Kamala Harris era on consumers, and if price controls are the answer for Americans to avoid food, then why is Dictator Biden not getting off his ass and implementing Kamala Harris or as Obama called her, Kabala Harris at the DNC sex deviantest, as should not Americans be saved now and not have to wait on a Harris and Walz regime in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord?

Americans Now Need $2.5 Million To Be
Considered Wealthy

It Hasn't Worked Once, So Why Would A Politician
Go All-In On Price Controls Now?

Peter Schiff Destroys Harris Economic Agenda

Target CEO Says Retailers Can't Price Gouge
In Competitive Industry

Shedlock - New York To Pay $155 Per Megawatt Hour
For Wind-Power, Current Rate Is $36 Per MWH

The fact in this is the DIRECT cause of Americans not having any money is due to Barack Hussein Obama eliminating the George W. Bush tax cuts for the middle class and Barack Hussein Obama rigging the US power grid to force power companies to buy expensive wind and solar power and doubling the price to consumers.

This is not about Biden massive spending and the US Dollar being devalued at this moment. This is about Obama Biden policies which Biden Harris have kept in place that Donald Trump did not do a damn thing about in his tenure as Obama's 3rd term.

The reason Biden is not putting in price controls is his Fed Chair Jerome Powell is about to slash interest rates as the depression which America is in, has lost almost a million jobs in one month and the economy is dead as the Biden 10,000 dollar cash cards to every invader are running out. To put in price controls now would force Doritos to sell you empty bags by the November elections. There is not any gouging taking place. All that is being done is manufacturers are passing their Obama high energy and high tax costs onto consumers.
If Harris price controls were implemented, by November half of US manufacturing would be bankrupted and closing their doors as they can not afford to make a product at a loss.

Let us look at two items in the grocery, eggs and sugar.

Biden keeps slaughtering  chickens due to bird flu, instead of letting the sick ones die, and the majority which will recover stay alive and pass those genetics to chicks and end bird flu. These corporate farms have HIGH ELECTRIC COSTS DUE TO OBAMA and they have high feed costs as Obama Biden has farmland growing soybeans for China, instead of corn and oats. Make the Lame Cherry Ag Secretary and if the DOE stops the high electric costs, I will have your groceries down to market levels in 18 months as I have to get farmers to grow things which animals and Americans will eat.

So an egg costs what Obama Biden Harris are jacking up prices for.

Sugar, same thing as it is the same costs. I will tell you though if Kamala Harris starts price fixing sugar, that Crystal Sugar  just as manufacturers did in the Nixon era, will stop selling sugar. Instead they will market something called Nature's Sweetner which is sugar, and that they can charge what it costs to produce. Obama deliberately fucked up sugar beet production in North Dakota and that is why the prices rose.

So again, if Kamala Harris has the fix, why is it not happening now with her as a powerful Vice President? The answer is what this half wit wog already knows in it will shutter food producers in America in a few months, as they have been trying to survive with these miniature rations they are selling for years now.

Those are the facts in this and the Lame Cherry is thee only one who is explaining this. If you want to starve, be forced to eat Bill Gate bugs in your Soylent Green, then vote for your starvation in Harris and Walz.

American Democrat Robert Kennedy II addressing Americans being poisoned by food and children being injected to death.

Robert Kennedy is a Democrat. Kamala Harris is an international socialist who all prosper over your being economically raped.

Nuff Said

