Monday, August 26, 2024

In Theory - The Butler Did It


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The more that we know about the attempted assassination, murder and assault in Butler PA, the less we know, but in this, that is where Forensic Psychology enters into an investigation, as that is what investigators do. They take a situation, limited evidence and then construct a working theory.

It is this case in the autopsy and cremation of Tom Crooks. What we have found now is that the Coroner of Butler county, was  not a Medical Examiner, so  the body was transfered to Allegheny County where and ME conducted the autopsy, and then released the body to the Crooks family to be cremated before anyone in Homeland or Congress was aware what the FBI was engaged in.

What the Lame Cherry desires to do is do a construct of known events and then formulate why people would do what they did.

William Young III is the Coroner at Butler. He had been away that day and did not attend the rally. He arrived at the scene at midnight, did not examine "Crooks", but did examine the Fire Chief, and released the body. 
He then returned the next morning after the body had been on the roof for 12 hours. No one has explained who stopped Young from examining Crooks, as the reality is, a 70 year old Congressman got onto that roof, so there was not a problem of it being a barrier, no more than the police would not have a flood light as that body and everything up there was evidence.

Meet you on the other side.

First, contrary to the FBI’s explanation, let’s be honest, there is nothing “normal” about a dead body lying on a metal roof all night until 6 a.m. the following morning when the Butler County Coroner was allowed to make identification of that body. Recall that the coroner arrived at the AGR building at midnight on July 13th and was asked to return later – the following morning. Why was the coroner prohibited from making the identification of the body at midnight? Who refused him access? What would have been the procedure had it been raining or snowing. Would the body lay on the roof during the inclement weather? It is insulting to think it is “normal” that the body laid on the roof all night. But more importantly, someone needs to explain why the body lay on the roof all night.

I desire you to examine the photo above in you see 3 PA police officers, actually there are 4 as the one who takes electronic fingerprints is on the roof behind them squatted down. I mentioned to TL, that APHIS or anyone else is not going to have any prints on Tom Crooks, as he was 20 years old. He would not have had fingerprints on file for a gun purchase, he was not in the military and was not a criminal. You can not ID anyone from a receipt for a ladder from Home Depot.  This body was identified very fast and that is something in theory which the Lame Cherry would present as a working scenario.

This blog has stated that the FBI which NEVER cleans up a crime scene was hosing this roof off, almost as the Coroner looked at the body. The only reason you would hose off a crime scene is evidence. The only evidence which was there was DNA. It was either Crooks DNA or it was not, or there were two dead bodies on that roof, so two DNA types which blows the lone gunman theory.

We know from Lame Cherry exclusive in a FOX video and Butler PA police video, two separate people were on that roof. The first was running west to east and John Cullen found this person's brain was shot, this was  minutes before the second person on that roof in police video is running north to south, and then crawls up the roof, north to south.
The west to east runner is shot at the ducts which is at ridge 7. The crawler is shot at ridge 20. (Measured from the ducts.)

So this provides a hypothesis that the reason the Coroner was denied access to that roof, was because the police state was removing a body from that roof, and making certain that the match was Tom Crooks, and only one body was on that roof with only one blood trail, which matched known footage.

What we do know is the first person at ridge 20 was shot from the east and the bullet with atomized brain matter exited west. We know at ridge 7 that this photographed person was shot in the mouth with his teeth knocked out and exists out the back of the skull.

There were at least two other suspicious people identified and tracked by the law enforcement that day - but after spotting Crooks with a rangefinder, he became a "special individual," who was "even more suspicious," he said.

I will use the name  Maxwell Yearick,

After being fingered as the shooter, this Allegheny County rioter convicted, was fact checked as not Thomas Crooks. No one has talked to him and his accounts were scrubbed. His fingerprints and DNA would be on file for identification.  I'm not stating that Mr. Yearick is involved. I'm relating that some one should talk to him to eliminate what is not known if he is alive or dead. If he is not around, then this becomes a problem in fact check, because was he cremated and we will never know.

This comes down to Abelchild's investigation which has concluded that either the Allegheny ME or the Butler Coroner is lying about the autopsy report. This appears to be a case where something is not right, which involved things like TWA Flight 800 where the police state clamped down on everything and told people to keep their mouths shut. The Lame Cherry has complete empathy for two medical people in PA getting thrown into this, things not adding up, the FBI flashes a badge and elicits cooperation by coercion in maybe the New York Post was right in there was a Chinese shooter and that would start world war, so you just want to keep breathing and enjoy your nice pension and anonymity and retire in a few years.


The Medical Examiner’s office was clear when it explained to AbleChild that the autopsy was returned to the Butler County Coroner because “it was commissioned and completed (paid for) by Butler County.”  Again, AbleChild made that information public on August 5th. Neither the cause of death report nor autopsy is “late.”

Congressman Higgins may want to have another chat with William Young III, the Butler County Coroner. Clearly someone isn’t telling the truth. Either the Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s office is lying, or the Butler County Coroner is lying. That’s a problem because somebody has the completed autopsy.

There are uncomfortable holes in the evidence. The above photo is at ridge 20. The person shot minutes before this was at ridge 20. This would mean 4 cops are covering things up, and things do not cover up that simple. Yet the Chinese shooter has all but disappeared on another roof.

The farmer tan cop is the one who was lifted onto the roof, cut his hand, fell off and ran out front of this position. This is the 3 Juniper tree spot. That is ridge 20.

Rep. Eli Crane self photographed on ridge 7 in being told this was the location of the supposed shooter.

I can not explain 4 cops and Secret Service on a roof and another body not logged. I can project in Sherlock Holmes that the reason a Coroner was kept off a roof, why certain media had dead head shots claiming to be Crooks, is the FBI was manipulating evidence to project a narrative which has holes in it worse than what I'm pointing out.

By the Fox video, it appears that a patsy was put on that roof. Perhaps this is Crooks,perhaps not, but an off book team that fired at Secret Service, fired into the left bleachers, put him down. Another shooter appears, knowing the patsy is dead as cover, and has a rifle, thinking he is going to get away and plant bombs later, but is put down too, this person by the Secret Service.

(My working theory is that the Chinaman from distance is the one who hit the president's ear. and was then put down.)

I have run projections on the Crooks family to attempt to understand this NSA connected odd family reactions. The father stated he called police for his missing son. I believe due to the cell phone contact , the father called the FBI and said the Tom Crooks they had been working with had disappeared.
A family is going to cooperate and keep their mouth shut if their kid someone gets killed in a national security operation, involving China that went wrong, in being told the kid was a hero.

We simply do not know as there are layers in this to the Obama ANTIFA and BLM burn down of America to get Trump out of office as this all links back to then as much as the Russiagate and Jan6 operations, and is why Rep Clay Higgins calls this J 13 as the DIA knows for certain that this is connected.

I will close this out with TMZ video screen grabs to again prove the point of the shooters. When you study these two photos of Tom Crooks alive and prone aiming the gun, one can not a UTILITY LIGHT OFF  HIS feet, meaning he is near the edge of the building.

The next photo is Secret Service on the roof with cops in the blood trail video. If you look to the back, you can see the joining duct with the blood trail by that. Remember I measure this from the ducts which are prominent. Eli Crane is standing on ridge 7 and says he is told this is where the supposed shooter was. The blood trail and the street light show ridge 20.

Now you have seen again the blood trail at the edge of the building, ridge 20. Now watch Rep. Eli Crane standing at ridge 7, and yes my children and my brats, with RED arrow I point out the ducts. This is where Eli Crane says the supposed shooter was put down. The blood trail is 13 ridges to his right as proven by the above video.

Rep. Crane is on the location of the first person shot. The blood trail video shows someone else shot further over. Someone lied to Rep. Eli Crane and the Republican investigators.

Seeing is believing.



Watching A Head Explode At An Assassination

Nuff Said
