Thursday, September 12, 2024

America to build obsolete Soviet weapons for Ukraine


The Russians threw this away a decade ago Private. Lord Austin is going to 
start building this again along with 1861 Napoleon cannons and his new invention
of the horse and wagon.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is something only that Negro head of the Pentagon, Lord Austin could come up with. Lord Austin announced with the other bully states of NATO at the German meeting in Ramstein that America and other European manufacturers to manufacture the Soviet S 300 missile to give to the Nazi of Ukraine.

I'm rather dumbfounded at this as this is a Russian missile. It is a Soviet era missile from the 1970's. Russia stopped manufacturing this system over a decade ago. Russia has more advanced S 400 and S 500 systems for air defense. Russia has proven capable of defeating the American Patriot and anything else that is NATO out there. So even putting in new software from America and uplink systems, all you are going to have is a Soviet rocket with systems Russia has already defeated.

I would add one more thing. The way the West pimps through money this S 300 will probably cost more than anything out there.

I'm incredulous. "Yes let's build a dinosaur and put a computer brain in it. That is sure to make a war machine to defeat Russia". - Lord Austin.

“In collaboration with several European companies, the United States is currently partnering with Ukraine to design and create a replacement for the S-300 surface-to-air missile system and the R-27 air-to-air missile,” stated Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, as captured in the transcript.

America DESPERATELY needs a Defense Secretary of the Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld type as going back to 50 year old weapon systems is the wrong direction, and this needs to be said as Negro Lloyd, Geezer Joe and Kabala Harris are not mentally sound enough to comprehend that this is not a wise use of resources.

Nuff Said
