Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Good News In Your Future


You get us all on Rushmore Donald, start with McKinley, Coolidge 
and Nixon, as we will all get up there once you restore America.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to be the first to inform you of something in very good news for you. All of you were upset with me in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord when I told you that what Donald Trump was engaged in was not MAGA and it was going to destroy MAGA. The Lame Cherry was correct as I know the cause and effect of economics.

In the first week of September, Donald Trump appeared before the New York economic forum, meaning the Wall Street nation rapists and he laid out a 5 point plan to restore the US economy.

I'm going to use the example of a quote from Spock on Star Trek during Kirk's court martial over gravity. "I do not need to see an apple fall on a planet with positive gravity as I know it will fall". In knowing what Donald Trump is stating his 2025 AD in the year of our Lord economic policy will be, I can tell you that just like Ronald Reagan and just like John Kennedy, these same economic policies will cause an economic expansion in the United States and the world. What this means for you is by 2026 AD in the year of our Lord, you should have about 5000 dollars more of your spending money in your pocket for you.

The way this will work is Donald Trump stated he will halve energy prices and he stated he will get rid of the New Green Deal. This blog was the first to write of this, because it was Obama forcing your electric company to buy wind and solar at twice the price over coal, that caused this rapine of your wages and retirement.

It is a simple formula which Ronald Reagan implemented, based on the supply side of Milton Friedman which caused a 30 year expansion of American wealth, which was only ended by Bush41 and Clinton tax hikes.

So for all the of doom you are hearing, I can tell you positively what Trump is saying he will implement will work for you and you will have a better life, more money for you and I promise you that you are going to experience DEFLATION just as Ronald Reagan's policies brought about.

Most of you will not take the time to examine Reagan's era on economics, but there also was a rise in interest rates which benefited snow birds living in Florida for the winter ON THE INTEREST OF MONEY IN THE BANK. Bush41 for his cabal wiped that out for cheap money for the billionaires, but Donald Trump will heat this economy up, it will expand with American made, and interest rates will rise to benefit you.

At the moment, it appears that after Butler PA, Donald Trump came under the protection of the Martin Bormann managers. Trump's polices are not his, and his giving this speech reveals how close to ending America we are as this Bush Obama rapine which Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will continue manage in your misery before you are erased have reached beyond the point of no return. If Trump is allowed to enact this, and those frauds in Congress who are all owned by Bormann vote this on as they did for Kennedy and Reagan, this will turn this around, with a sodomite anal scent as Trump wrote that into the RNC platform.

There is a bright future out there past this year. It took Reagan 18 months to generate the economy again to moving as it takes time to undo economic ruin. Frank Roosevelt and Barack Obama deepened despression to force through their international rapine of your forefathers deliberately. The turn around though should be in 2025 AD though in the year of our Lord.

OK, I do not know if "they" are going to collapse the stock market and real estate markets to bring things into order as Bush43 inflated those quarters for the rich to continue to rapine. I'm certain though in what Trump has been OK'd with is that Bormann's Board knows that Europe does not have the economy nor industry to stand alone to rule the world. This then falls to Benjamin Franklin's outlook of London having the United States as the might behind the throne. I do not though believe that London is in charge anymore. Someone vaxed the royals and killed them off. Riots in England. The reality that Lord Austin for the Pentagon just took control of the British nuclear arms, making England a vassal of America..........meaning the coming order in central Europe has voided the Normans, and they will implement Franklin's idea of America for the world. This does not mean Tel Aviv cutting American steaks off the dying cow. This means America will be allowed to generate economics and energy, with military power as a protector to an independent German led European state.

After Ronald Reagan, Bush41 strangled the US economy for the Board. They overthrew the South American Republics to bankrupt Marxism. I would suspect that sometime after JD Vance's second term that there will be filleting again to gain Board control, but that is the future and that is the way this is played out. We though at least have a future which is better than extermination in the Obama sentence of erasure.

Donald Trump appears to have permission to do this. That means protection. That means that America will make money as the protected war supply agent. It should mean an understanding with Russia to stop that conflict and a shift to China to Balkanize that regime.

There may be upheaval in a good dictator at 1600 Penn can implement an order which benefits all of this, but at this point I do not see any fracturing of America. If you listen to Gavin Newsome he is trashing democrat policies and is sounding more like an Albert Speer industrialist. There is a change out there and just as when Jimmy Carter almost destroyed America over the dollar oil peg under Kissinger, the Board brought in Reagan with the guiding hand of CIA William Casey and all was made right to move this along. We are at such a danger point again and the international socialists like the Obama destruction of the West for their power, but the National Socialists have  place to use America in this scheme and Donald Trump is going to be at the helm it appears with a resurrection policy which will breathe life into Europe.

I do not mean to say this is all roses. No intention of dampening your spirits, but there might be pinning actions like a city or cities disappearing to make America stay behind her shores as other powers in Europe project. None of this though should bring any nuclear wars or dangers which will touch you. The impala of Africa deal with the lion eating a few of their own to keep the herd grazing, so you can walk through this plain and not really miss some metro police state dictatorships if that is what the Board so deems as necessary.

Donald Trump is not aware of the Boards complete agenda and that he is going to in his foreign policies help create a European security zone which is self protecting and no need of American blood.........just probably weapons for profit which profits us in our recovery.

So for all of the doomsters out there telling you things, and the Lame Cherry will point out warnings as I always do in how projections could go due to bad policies, you are hearing from me that the 5 Points are going to bring this to a place where you are going to smile at having 5000 dollars extra and it will expand as more money generates to you due to economic growth.

As I said, I don't need to see the money in your pocket, because I know it will be there, as it came during John Kennedy and it came to your pocket in Ronald Reagan, because Milton Friedman was proven right on supply side and that is what Donald Trump's protectors are going to allow to happen for their ends, and it will all benefit you.

There is no money in doomsayers saying things will be good for you. So they will not sign onto this, but happy days are coming due to these economic policies and the Lame Cherry is the first to note this and explain it in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said