Wednesday, September 25, 2024

an Interview with Barron von Trump


Hey pop, I can see jail time for you from way up here.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been much speculation in media about the vocational choice of Barron Trump, fortunately for the reader of Lame Cherry who first exposed Barron as a Giant, there is an interview which will be published here. 

Barron sees himself as the man of the family now that is father is prison inmate Donald Trump, and in that, he has judged his siblings not up to the task, with Ivanka having to invest all her time in being the man of the Kushner family, Don jr is lost among his sex mates boobies, Eric lets his wife do the thinking for him and Tiffany is trying to out pound Meghan McCain in tonnage. 

Barron sees himself opening up a new niche in this modern world of employment where all can be what they think they are. I will let Barron tell the story as he does it best.

No Barron is the tall one. My name is Larry.

Barron: I'm a great conservationist.  My mom only wears her clothes once and as we have the same hip size, I send her mom pants out to sweat shop and turn them into Barron pants. I feel most comfortable being a Mom Jeans Master as I have child bearing hips.

Barron: I feel I will be best employed as a Giant. I'm well qualified. Mom read to me that tale of Jack and Beanstalk, and I see that giants have a personal goose that lays golden eggs. I think that when you get certified being a giant, that the Giant Guild gives you a goose and sends you on your way.

Goose eggs are big. At present, gold is several thousand dollars an ounce. I think a goose egg would weight like 100 pounds. So each day my golden goose with the magic eggs would profit me 3 million dollars. I would be a billionaire in less than a year and this would be my giant's salary.

I see great marketing in building mansions among the clouds which will carry on my father's developer tradition. Getting there first, I will be able to set the standard beyond Trump Tower and make it Barron Nimbus what everyone will look up to.

Barron: As you can see, I do not like the sun and never got out into it. I like my mauve maroon colour man bag with all of my man bag stuff in it which I need to be Barron. I'm growing my hair out like my mother, and have a nice flip going on as I'm quite a fashion maven. While this is not my vocation, I believe in this trans world that all of us must present a picture where my father's generation would say, "What the hell is that? A boy or a girl? That is what I dress for every day when I get up at 11 AM. I look to be a giant trans poster boy".

I just kind of try for that Pretty not Pink, Molly Ringwald look.

My destiny was to be a roll model of Trans Trump.

Barron: I really think that covers my life philosophy and future now. The Obama adopted daughters apparently drown their Chef in a pond as their vocation, but I really am not into that, no more than I think my siblings are setting any standard. I really do not want to be a fat trans like Chelsea Hubble, so it is up to me as leader of the Lost Generation, or Gen T, to show how things should be. I feel our Trump Reality television show we are in where daddy is in prison or court, mummy does Catholic things and I play the boy heroine is a  good media platform to sell my Trump brand.

I would add that when I'm given my diploma from Trump University, that I will be 10 feet tall. I plan to be taller than Goliath of Gath, and I think I will be Barron of Boca as it has a nice ring to it. Mummy thinks though that Barron of Gotham is a good brand name too. I have a few weeks to figure this all out as the ink is not yet dry on my university diploma.

Pop don't be mad. I'm the man of the family now.

Barron: One more thing, my double, like Obama's and Bidens is not atomically correct as you can see in the New York picture he looks nothing like me. He wears mum jeans better, but is only 6 feet 5.928 inches tall, while the real Barron is 6 feet 5.933 tall, which is me. Anyone can see that immediately.

Nuff Said
