Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Hinge

My Daddy said so, so there.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Europeans want America to die for Ukraine in halving their support for the Kiev Nazi, the reality is that as this dwarf Netanyahu of Kiev in Zellinskyy appearing with a dusty old WorldWar III plan to defeat Russia where America dies for Kiev, is the continued pressure to goad Russia into using nuclear weapons WHICH STAR WARS CAN NEUTRALIZE and thereby disarming Russia, the London cabal wins.

I believe America can track and does know where Russian submarines are off the US coast and Star Wars can hit them. I believe that Star Wars can take out the Russian Sarmats in the first sequence of the launch. That checks Russia and is why this madness is so over the line,

I do not believe, save airborne jets firing nuclear hypersonic missiles, which can be tracked by Star  Wars and shot down, that the system can not deal with short range tactical nukes which Russia possesses.

We are though now receiving more precise confirmation, which this blog projected would be Russian actions in the use of tactical nukes. I will state again that Bill Burns of the CIA appears to be leading a group which does not want this war and that is why the American F 16's have disappeared from being mentioned. It is why long range American missiles are now absent. It is why Lord Austin of the Pentagon is acting like an adult and stating that the long range missiles are not gamechangers, and why there is only talk now of mid range American JDAMS being fitted on the old MIG's Ukraine has.

“You want to target your rocket missiles to Russian cities, to kill our people, and you, Great Britain, are going to do it. And you think we will keep silent?” said Markov during the interview.

When asked if he sees a tactical nuclear strike by Russian forces, he responded, “Yes, of course, because now a lot of Russian experts — and more and more of them — are saying Russia will have to use tactical nuclear weaponry.”

He specifically noted they will have to be used against NATO airfields.

Markov also discussed potential strikes against British territories. When asked about the topic, he said, “Eventually, of course, British territory may also be attacked… because of course, British missiles may be used from F-16s, but F-16 bases are not in Ukraine, they are based in the Romanian and Polish airfields.

The Lame Cherry will state that this Kiev Jewish  Nazi has no plan for winning this war. The basis is the same bullshit which has been from the start in Ukraine going into NATO and firing missiles into Moscow to murder Russians. That is not victory. That only will bring the Kremlin response to use short range nuclear weapons in Ukraine, Poland and Romania. There will be a probable 12 hour window in this and if NATO strikes Russia, then what will follow will be tactical strikes in England, Scandinavia and France. If these woke internationalists respond to that, then Russia will initiate their prepositioned suitcase nuclear bombs across Europe and the United States, with targeting of Star Wars and the Global Strike command and control. If that is responded to, then there will follow nuclear detonations in the satellite field which will prepare the way for submarine volleys, and what follows in that will be the Sarmats if that is responded to.

The Lame Cherry estimates that if these London Normans and their Ashkejew bankers pull the puppet strings  without interuption, that this will all be accomplished in 72 hours, start to finish.

Americans desperately need Bill Burns to keep the lid on this, as mini Hitler in Kiev is going to engage in a "make America become involved" motions of violence, in probable hitting nuclear reactors or dirty bombs spread in Moscow or St. Petersberg. The lid has to be kept for Donald Trump to be installed and this Obama order of battle is reputed by Americans, so the Trump ultimatum will be negotiated by Russia, which is basically, "Russia keeps what it has in lands, and the war ends, with America only offering security to Ukraine............and a written promise of elections which will not be made public with Zellinskyy gone".

In his publication on one of the Western social networks, Sachs noted that the demands set out in the "Zelensky plan" to immediately accept Ukraine into NATO and allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to use long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory will inevitably lead to the beginning of World War III. At the same time, the American billionaire expressed hope that US President Joe Biden remembers the reasons why he previously refused to implement Zelensky's plans

The arrogance of the Nazi Zellinskyy exudes to the extreme in his calling Donald Trump a moron on political matters. The only reason Zellinskyy is so mouthy is he is in New York and has been J Street finance which has been laundering this money which is the reason Paul Manafort was destroyed as he did not give the guild a cut in their pawn shops. These J Street financiers are why HAARP is being used to quick dry American crops of soybeans or shipment to their clients in China, before  the coming upheaval hits sometime in November and China will not be able to get their soybeans.

Zelensky - Trump Doesn't Know How To Stop The War

Trump knows how to stop this war. The reality is that if the Board gives him cover, he will accomplish it and not sit around as a target as he was forced to for the past 8 years.

Trump Jr. fumes at ‘disgraceful’ Zelensky

The fuming was less Don jr. and more cowering as the Pentagon according to Veteran's Today ended a World War III signing ceremony at the White House between London and DC. Lord Austin, but more importantly the DIA which has been sponsoring Donald Trump have received the message that the Kremlin will strike NATO and America if these long range missiles start striking Moscow.

According to some sources, Putin’s warning was reinforced through back-channel communications between the Russian military leadership and their American counterparts who understand that they were being pushed over the edge of total war. In response, it seems that the American military leadership took over the conduct of the US foreign policy, both in terms of military and diplomatic affairs. State Secretary Blinken and his merry band of Neocons appear to have been sidelined. This is why the US-UK agreement to escalate against Russia didn’t get the Blaster’s signature.

The change in leadership could also be felt in the Middle East. General Michael E. Kurilla, the head of U.S. Central Command visited Israel last week (the second time in a week's interval), apparently also to announce a new policy. Allegedly, he informed the Israelis that if they provoke a war against Hezbollah or against Iran, the U.S. will not come to their aid: they're on their own. 

The palace coup at the White House wasn’t officially announced and it almost certainly won't be

This is not over though. These Kaganites, Normans and Neocons have decided that they will use backdoor terrorism as pagers which blow up in Lebanon, to expand the war, and thereby then force Joe Biden to order the military to support, to drag the Pentagon into the fight.

We are at the hinge in this and it can and will swing in any direction out of control, from now, until (Trump if he is installed and becomes a dictator and this time cracks down with the rule of order) cements control. This does not mean the Kaganites will end this. There will be a 9 11 nuclear pearl harbor attempted initiation next year to drag America into this war, if not sooner under Biden, or there will be an eruption point in the Balkans to drag Russia out.

That is if Trump is installed. If not, this moves under Kamala or Big Mike to direct conflict after the November elections with full scale invader insurrection.

Nuff Said

