Monday, September 30, 2024

Bargaining Chips


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the Kaganite war for Kabala Harris in Gaza and Ukraine, election thet, the Russians have taken another major  move in the supplying of the Yemeni's with the Russian super sonic Onyx sea missile. This is an aircraft and warship killer. These missiles will be programmed by Russian technicians as British are programming long range missiles in Ukraine.

This ends the offshore platforms of the US Navy. This in proxy will end above the sea threats to the Mideast from NATO.

On September 24, Houthis managed to hit a US Navy supply ship for the first time. Russian P-800 Onyx missiles will help them sink even behemoth American aircraft carriers easily.

According to Yakov Kedmi Telegram channel, the P-800 missiles will be programmed by Russian officers, just as American officers program US-made ATACMS missiles for strikes on Russian targets.

This is the temporary check on Tel Aviv aggression, expanding to American forces, but this check ends with the the US elections. The tripwire in this if this does not start before the elections, will start if Kabala Harris is installed.

The situation to watch in this is if an Onyx is "stolen" and ends up blowing up some carrier in American waters.

Yemen with the Onyx can shut down the Suez an by the red line below, effectively cut off American Naval access to the sand spit Persian Gulf bases, as Iran will be involved in this. Russia with the proxy of Iran and Yemen can blockade American and British bases as those bases are all vulnerable and will only be able to be supplied or evacuated by air.

This is who CENCOM is neutralized and has it's teeth pulled. In chess, this is like holding the entire board with a rook.

America does not have the troops, meaning White Christians to deploy to fight a land war, and more importantly to draft into a war, so the reality is, with one missile Moscow has split European and Paciic commands to isolating them to impotence.

The Russians have drawn their line in the sand. They have explained to the world that when an American warship is sunk. The order came from the Kremlin. The Hannity and Levin homo erections will grouse about this being Russia's fault, but they miss the point in this what the Lame Cherry has stated. Russia has a tradition, BEFORE actual war, to ram enemy ships. The message is clear now from President Vladimir Putin, when an American warship is sun in the Indian Ocean, this is the final line, as the next missiles will be nuclear armed and engaged in tactical nuclear strikes. This is something evn the non donors in all of their shame in not supporting the work of the Lord here, will be able to watch and understand. An American carrier gets hit in the Mideast, and what will follow will be nuclear strikes in Europe and America of US bases. The window is this Kamala Wars and if she is intalled, this is the order of battle.

Nuff Said

