Monday, September 30, 2024

Torque and Governors in Tractors are not the same as Outside the Tractor

Yes yes, you think you know, but so does a six year old whose kinder life is
potty, snacks and nappy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a chess player, I love the game for how complex it is, and how some gambit can bite you in the ass when you think you are winning. Paul Craig Roberts is a person who is a welcome insight on the right, but he is just flat brain when it comes to tactics and strategy in he has advocated that Russia quickly win the war in Ukraine and now we are all going to die because Putin did not do this.

For years I have warned that Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine would result in increasing Western intervention until the conflict spins out of control. That has now happened.

NATO’s Secretary General and the British Prime Minister have given a green light to NATO firing missiles into Russia from Ukraine. The green light is subject to Washington’s veto. Zelensky, the Ukrainian dictator whose term as president has expired, was reportedly recently in Washington lobbying the Biden regime to give its approval.

I have tried time and again to explain to the Paul Craig Roberts and Jeff Rense group who wanted Russia to sweep to victory in Ukraine, that I had projected a quick win there, but that is not what the Kremlin was engaged in for reason.

In the FOX hysteria of poor Ukraine, a quick win by Russia would have mobilized NATO and brought about a certain war against Russia, which they were not ready for, and had not made proper connections with China to watch their back door yet.

Putin had been played by Obama and the Frau of Germany, Merkel in they lied to him over Ukraine Peace. Russia was not ready for a war, no more than Hitler was, but the astute Putin did not plunge Russia into world war, which was the mistake of Hitler in Germany was not fully armed yet and ready for a global war.

Russia has a problem with Star Wars and other warfare which the West has set up as booby traps in this war scenario. This Lame Cherry informed everyone that Russia was being conditioned to be aggressive, to be given victories, all for the purpose of drawing Russia out past the Volga to kill it. The entire order of battle in this is to get Russia past Ukraine, into Europe, where technology can kill the Russian army in long supply lines.

The Russian comprehend this war, as a nuclear war and hypersonic war. That is why they built those systems. Russia though does not have an army which can hold Europe or invade the United States. You do not start a war in which expanding into it, you do not have the troops or resources to gain the victory or you end up like Hitler in being driven back and your nation is killed.

In evaluating Mr. Putin, he has been superb. There have been setbacks, but Russia is adept at dealing with setbacks and has ground out the Western supply depot as it knows the bankers are pulling the plug on the West for their despotic tyranny in erase and replace Christians.

The Lame Cherry based upon history, believes Russia has pre positioned nuclear weapons in the West. They do not need to launch their Sarmats which is not what Russia wants in a full scale nuclear war. All things Kremlin have been geared to tactical nuclear warfare and if necessary a submarine launch, in which a limited strike by the West would allow Russia in their Putin Bunker Cities would survive.

As the Lame Cherry has noted, the bunker state is not going to be able to keep control of America or the West in this scenario. As a political reality, Christian Conservatives would welcome a Russian cleansing of the metro dictatorships and Pentagon profit structure. Russia has no use in killing antelope in North Dakota nor bombing missile silos there which are empty. Over 3/4s of them are not on alert ever, so 100 single warhead nukes is a reality the Russian S 500 can handle. Russia will not waste 400 warheads on bombing people they will need after the war, as Russia will need a Christian armed America as a pawn against communist China for a number of decades.

That is what is wrong with the Paul Craig Roberts handwringing. It is flat brain, one dimensional and whines, "Well I have a comfy life, paid for by the misery of all you suffering Lame Cherry children out there and I don't want this disrupted." As there are more scroungers like this popular girl in the fruited plains of America, we look at this as a welcome vaporization of the police state, welfare state, military state and banking state which has enslaved us.

For that reasoning, Russia is an ally to the American Christians. They are a growling bear with nuclear fangs and some economic claws to distract the police state from our Jan6 exile from the Republic. Putin's nuclear weapons are going to do far more damage to the group who hijacked America than to Americans at large. In this chess game, Russia has taken a hell of allot of heat off of Americans, just as Russia did with  Americans during World War II with Adolf Hitler. It is the same international socialists, and instead of Frank Roosevelt throwing Americans into gulag it has been Obama Bush.

So in review, I believe Mr. Putin has handled a rather impossible situation which does not allow major mistakes, very well. At the moment he has made America blink on F 16's and long range missiles. At the moment, Russia is transfering Onyx aircraft carrier missiles to Yemen to neutralize Centcom. That controls oil and splits European and Pacific Command. That is quite a gut shot to open up on the underbelly of this imperegal order and Mt. Putin accomplished this with pawns.

Russia at present is surviving. They have Iran holding back to not be baited by Tel Aviv in the Lebanese holocaust. Shut Centcom down and Russia and Iran then leverage oil and the entire underbelly of Eurasia...........something Admiral Raeder counselled Adolf Hitler to go operational with, but Hitler chose the Caucasus and was stymied there.

The Board, that is the Bormann Group are directly managing this operation now. The Jews are only pawn shop proxies as much as the Normans and other twats who think they run the charm school. It is in the Bormann interest to keep Europe scorch free, to use America to prop up the coming Order and to pacify Russia, as this Obama shift moves into the Pacific to dismantle China which the Jews are bankrupting at the moment, and this is to take away Russia's back door ally, meaning a broken Chinaland will be used as a front to battle Russia from the Asian side, sometime in 2030 AD at the latest.

I'm not stating that America is home free. That Juland is going to detonate things in America to get America to fight in the Mideast and to cripple the United States in order for the Order to arise in Europe against a unified threat.

Russia though is going to hold off at a great deal of cost for the time when Donald Trump or JD Vance are installed into office, in who survives. That will bring a non trusting peace to Russia by an annexed part of Ukraine, before this gears up again, but that is what Russia is waiting this out for. They do trust Uncle Donald, but know Trump can only go so far. If Kabala is installed, then this goes into an active war footing of sabotage in Europe and the United States. As this blog stated, Russia has suitcase nukes all throughout Europe and America. America most likely has the same deposits in Russia and China. It is the Trump card, but for most Americans and Europeans, Russia is not going to be nuking or attacking the rural areas with guns and cows. They are not a threat. They need in the aftermath to have a pissed off native born population which is armed and hates the bunker state which did this destruction. That is the Russian future ally.

No where in the Bible does it state there will be a full nuclear war. There is allot of natural disaster that eliminates billions. Jesus states that if the days were not shortened, all life would end, so Jesus shortens this Great Tribulation so it does not go full biological and nuclear. It will be unsettling, but so will the sun scorching people's asses.  I though do not look at anything as something which can not be exploited to the Christian advantage, save the vile corrupt state which guns down and beats to death unarmed women on Jan6 or injects 9/10ths of the American people with the vax mRNA death shot. Yet in that, with 9 out of 10 non donors dead, I can just go play in their mansions and that works out for me too and I should be able to smelt together enough bronze to do a big cross for Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland in the US Capitol, of Trump does not get the vision to seize upon this as a brilliant political manipulation.

So I see nothing but opportunity. I hate most people and will welcome them dead. I think how nice it would be to ride horse around in the Brier on endless fields of grass again as no one is left to farm things and how lovely it will be to just have the birds singing.

People, especially internet people, without most of the information and having not been Vladimir Putin, a sort of orphan raised by Christians in Stalin Russia, was educated, rose to the ranks of the KGB, to shadow Ronald Reagan on the street as a citizen, and when Russia was being raped by Bush fam and this cartel, was chosen as the leader to save Russia and he did it. Mr. Putin has been doing that for decades with assassins trying to murder him. So when a Paul Craig Roberts is whining that he knows more than Vladimir Putin who has a great deal of information and was who the powerful in Russia chose to lead them.........I would keep silent and ask why Vladimir Putin is doing the things he is doing, and not piss and moan that Mr. Putin is not doing things my way. We would already have been stampeded into a nuclear war if Paul Craig Roberts ideas would have been followed as that is what Fox and Lindsey Gay Ear Graham have wanted as Sean Homo Hannity was drooling over assassinating Mr. Putin, which would have brought a complete nuclear response from the Kremlin into America.

So let us just exhale, the Lame Cherry is writing and Mr. Putin is checking each movement on this board as astute as anyone can.

Just remember that Mr. Putin has not started a world war in being goaded into it. He has proven that he knows what he is doing.

Just take a shot of brandy there Paul Craig Roberts and chill for a bit and see how the next month goes as something is out there as the Jew Grain Barons set up HAARP to get the American soybean harvest into China before something goes into action in America before the end of this year.

Nuff Said

