Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Biden's Experts Grin at Russian Holocaust and Nuclear Annihilation to Install Kamala Harris

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the world slept, Dictator Biden hosted a meeting with the new woke Prime Minister of England and in this Biden discounted the statements on war by President Vladimir Putin of Russia over long range strikes on Russia, by Kiev Nazi, using western weapons.

What caught my attention was the meeting of the Biden experts and the British government, including their token Negro as their Defense Minister.

We are talking about World War here. The American genders seated with Biden are grinning like they are phaser stunned half wits.  The British seem a bit more like they are shitting their pants in they are the target of Russian retaliation. As MI6 caused all this shitstorm by starting this Ukraine war with the Kaganite Victoria Nuland along with that John the hero McCain, it is at least fitting that the French are in the crosshairs of this too, first.

It is all a macabre comedy of Dr. Strangelove. I do not quite get how a foreign policy meeting in which nuclear war would wipe out the world, and a war of genocide in which hundreds of thousands of Slavs have been slaughtered, is anything a normal human would be grinning like a starry eyed baboon.

This is why we are all in danger and in trouble. The cartel which has put these shit for brains into high office to do their bidding, have zero comprehension apparently that  piles of people have been slaughtered and that billions of people may be vaporized

It is strange thing that the blonde by Biden and that other pubescent skirt do not seem to comprehend that the British sitting across from them might be vaporized and no more in this world in the next 6 weeks. Unless of course they get wet pussies thinking about dead British faggots. It would be easier to deal with this if these skirts actually got orgasms over mass murder, because that is a comprehension, a reason for engaging in something, the logic of a serial murderer or rapist. What these skirts though are sitting there thinking is nothing of reality, but getting off on sitting in a meeting where they can find an ejaculation for their Russophobia.........which none of these skirt in America have figured out will get them incinerated as they do not get to get into the bunker to have moldy sex in that enclosed dungeon.

People used to comprehend the situation was grave and had consequences.

Compare the pictures. 

There is a real problem in Washington DC and London 10 Downing.

Nuff Said
