Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Listen my children and you shall hear, Melania Trump saying something so clear

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This one made me shut my eyes as John Cullen expands on it, what made me wince is Melania Trump asks why the "shooter' was not arrested before the shooting. Why is there all this silence?

Melania Trump just indicated that whether this was Tom Crooks or Max Yearick, both were connected to the Obama wing of the FBI and CIA interactive NSA coordinating platform which appeared in Russiagate and Jan6.

For Melania Trump to say this in public is quite dangerous as the people behind this know exactly what she is talking about. Rep. Eli Crane when on the shooter roof used the term "supposed shooter" is telling us there is alphabet super group involved in this.

This is brave of Mrs. Trump and it all falls back to Dallas 1963. As Bobby Kennedy stated, all of the people are dead, but the infrastructure is still operational and went coordinated nuts under John Brennan.

While there is allot of blah, blah, blah which follows in the above video, what is important what Melania Trump is telling us. Those behind this want this story to go away. If Mr. Trump is being backed by the Board, then he will do what is being sanctioned in what JFK stated in breaking and scattering this complex.

I can't as a blogger and beef producer where no one donates or buys the product afford lucky donations to the people living off of Paetron in fees not for free.

What matters is Melania Trump just told us the people involved in this shooting were working for the government, the former off site group which fuses in like when Victoria Nuland ran state and she worked for Dick Cheney.

The caveat is I do not agree with a number of John Cullen's revelations from the shot from the window, nor the most important one in the bullet which struck the left bleachers did not come from the trees, but from the police coordination area, as that is where the people in the bleachers look to.

There was a shooter in the tree direction who hit the SS on the roof, but the shot Mr. Cullen is making does not come from that direction due to flinch and angle.

I close this with a Lame Cherry exclusive based on the above photo by Mr. Cullen. He is speaking of something else, but in this yellow line you have where Mr. Trump and his ear were standing. I know where the bullet that hit Mr. Trump is lodged. It is in the branches of the tree in the distance. You will either find the bullet embedded or you will see a scar mark in a deflection.

This closes with the Trump's, meaning Robert Kennedy II, the Defense Intelligence Agency, Rep. Eli Crane know who coordinated this from the inside. It is why DIA is squawking so loud and creating and releasing information to plant and have briefed the Trump's and RFK.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
