Monday, September 16, 2024

Butler Shot Sounds


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to explain something which no one else has on the rifle shots heard on audio at the shootings in Butler PA.

You hear 3, then the SWAT shot, then 5 and then the SS kill shot.

3 and 5 are distinct and do not match. he Lame Cherry will tell you why.

The first 3 shots are suppressed, not from a silencer, but because they are coming from inside a building or shrouded by something, perhaps trees from a distance. It is the 5 shots which you can distinctly hear the semi auto action, quite metallic, in functioning on each shot. The 5 shot is either in the open on the roof or is closer.

The linked video is about an hour, but mentions the sound evidence and notes a PA SWAT team member first counting only five casings, then 8 casings, per the story, and then SWAT telling everyone to get the hell off the building as too many people are up there sightseeing. 

The last five shots which are heard, most likely came from the roof, due to the 5 casings seen there immediately. The first 3 probably came from another location than the roof.

I'm trying not to theorize in this, but will state in all the AI tampering of the evidence, that there is a possibility that Tom Crooks and Max ANTIFA were on that roof. Crooks perhaps did not have rifle and was observing the stampede firing or did fire the rounds, and vice versa, Max ANTIFA is the one who was observing, got shot and Crooks got off the roof.

What the sound evidence reveals is the first 3 shots are muffled in something is suppressing them. The last 5 one hears the clank of a semi automatic action functioning.

Nuff Said
