Monday, September 16, 2024

I Play Putin Chess


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone is missing that Russia just WON in the NATO confrontation in it's primary objective.

If this decision is made, it will mean direct participation of NATO countries in the war in Ukraine. This significantly changes the very nature of the conflict. It will mean that NATO countries are at war with Russia. If this is so, then we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created for us

The chessboard is based upon three gambits. GREAT GAME INDIA which is London in everyone dying for London so London rules. Catherine the Great in splitting Europe. Kaiser in Germany is not attacked as others are fighting this great Eurasian War again.

This is what Putin chess looks like in winning.

Germany Does Not Change Its Decision On Strikes
Deep Into Russia, Despite Discussions Between The US-UK

A war torn Slavic lands, a pummeled Anglo Saxon lowlands and England, with a ripped American alliance, that is what Germany views as winning to dominate as Russia is wounded. Russia without the wounding, is very close to the Kaiser or Bismark's strategy in Europe and the world.

This is always the problem with you children and brats making commentary of Putin issued too many threats, things are not at war, this is not right, because when one studies the board, Moscow has achieved exactly what it desired in a fracture NATO, and better London is now hiding behind American troops and nuclear firepower.

We can all live in a world with a Kaiser and Catherine outcome on this chessboard.

For Americans, they would welcome culling by nukes on the coasts to re establish the American order in the interior, but not the interior struck, as America withdraws and lets London smolder along with Kiev and the lowlands.

Mr. Putin specified the NATO countries involved. Russia will not hit Italy or Hungary if they are not involved. The fracturing that is what the Kremlin intends and those not involved are going to be stepping back even further.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

