Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Cut the Crap


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dan Bongino Wonders If There’s A Deadly Mole
Burrowed Within The Secret Service

This Mockingbird stooge who was with Mosaad trying to point Butler PA to Iran, and then slowed down the Crooks Vendor walk to make it look more menancing is more propaganda.

There are no hidden deadly moles in Secret Service or anywhere else. They are all on public display, in Congress, as Congress approved the appointments of them all, certified the Dictator to install more of these O ' Bush tradesgenders who have since the Clinton era been listing and training people in the police state to target the Christian majority in America to intidate it.

This is SOPHISTRY. The same sophistry which Abraham Lincoln correctly noted started the Civil War in a bunch propaganda cranks were saying shit in the Abolitionists and the Slave Rights groups that had people conditioned that secession was a right and that slavery condemned the South to execution.

We have a conditioned Nut Class in America, Inluencers and Minders who all do the thinking or a public which is cell phone stunned, in most people do not read books or think anymore.

Rush Limbaugh, another stooge was right when he said Obama did not need to tell agencies to engage in criminal acts like framing Rod Blagojevich or Govenor Cuomo, because they were trained and just knew what to do to destroy people.

This is widespread in the regime and with the Secret Service now stating they can not protect Kamala Harris or Donald Trump you should probably see the warning light going off in they are telling you that this rehearsal on the Donald, is going to have some asset stooge of the regime make an attempt on the Vice President, to make this a glorious Jan6 crackdown to intimidate voters as leftists  cry for blood.........and it allows Big Mike to be the rescuer in getting  to be first Generoid of colour.

This is not some deep buried conspiracy. I could name and will not the two driving forces on display in this as they were working together in government during the Buh43 yers. They are not alone, but it is their cabal who is engaged in all of this and everyone knows it, that is why the DIA shrieks about things and plants evidence in the press to keep people looking in this direction.

Secret Service Says It Can’t Guarantee The Safety
Of Trump And Harris From More Gunmen

We need a peaceful run up to the election and after with NO ONE being harmed in any way. No harm to Kamala Harris, no harm to Donald Trump, no harm to Robert Kennedy II\, no harm to Jill Stein.

Nuff Said
