Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Remote Skewing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has always appreciated the work of Dick Allgire and his revolving crew of remote viewers, but there has to be limits in what is claimed success or hits and not. One of the team drew the above of the "Trump shooter 2". Ok the face does look like Mick Jagger or the Stones ancient guitar player, but if one looks at the other information, of getting out of a car, a handgun, none of that happened.

The facts are that this Kiev Nazi supporter was apparently in a sniper hide by the security fence for 12 hours, with deflection packs and a camera set up for his murder moment. He had a street type AK 47, meaning a rifle.

None of that is what this viewer reported and how does on evaluate that in percentages? You got Mick Jagger, but you missed the location, the weapon, the attack..........or is the viewer mixing more metaphors in there is an Obama voter out there who is going to get out of a parked car and John Hinkley at Donald Trump, and who knows if it is Robert Kennedy, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, because nothing was seen but a parking lot, no golf balls, no trust funds, no children being sniffed and no curry cuisine.

Remote Viewing is no longer the solid performance it was. It is more like the odd National Enquirer clairvoyants who saw space aliens and monkey babies. The above proves either bias, some paradigm shift or a lucky guess that Mick Jagger was the next assassin coming down on the Kiev Price is Right program.

That facial type belongs to allot of people. John Carradine for one.

I'm dead, so it was not me.

Sean Penn is another.

I just burn Ann Coulter genital dolls with my lit cigarettes.

and if you look at the car gunner photo, that guy is more round faced...........so are we dealing with another time line.

The time has been reached that Remote Viewing must be critiqued as it is not he same field that Joe McMoneagle was working in Vietnam. As I have stated, Obama had the matrix blown on Sandy Hook, so it can be altered, and I have altered time lines myself in blowing Allgires sights to non completion. We have to study wear patterns into the matrix and people need to up their game as this is not anything to pay money for nor to base any forecasts on, as FFG has been really piss poor for a number of years, in major events which were diffused and they did not see it, but stuck with the event structure taking place.

This is not remote viewing. This is remote skewing.

Nuff Said
