Thursday, September 5, 2024


The FBI assures me I was not shot. It was shrapnel from Gettysburg. 
Lee Oswald was the lone gunman.  I also am not dead. I will be running 
in the election this November.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The FBI out of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has released a media call which as Joe Hoft noted, creates far more questions than provides answers.

We can rest assured though by the Agent in charge, reminiscent of Gregory Bretzing in the Malheur Murder, that something is wrong with the information.  We have been told that Tom Crooks was a lone nut. We have been told the family is cooperating, except for latrine breaks.

We know that the Glass Company has cooperated. So why is the FBI serving numerous search warrants and dozens of subpeonas? Not being a great high priced lawyer, I thought that subpoenas appeared in court, warrants are served on what is the FBI involved in with the lone guy dead, the family and everyone else cooperating.........if you remember Jan 6, the communication companies just handed over data, so who si not handing over data in this lone wolf event and who is the FBI hauling into it certainly is not the Secret Service as the FBI stated they are not investigating the Secret Service.

It is not the FBI’s role to investigate the actions, the security posture, or the responsibilities of the Secret Service or local law enforcement related to the campaign rally. 

To date, we’ve conducted nearly 1,000 interviews, served numerous search warrants, issued dozens of subpoenas, and analyzed hundreds of hours of video footage. 

The next contemplation is the FBI states that Tom Crooks was doing research, like how far Oswald was from Kennedy and the kind of information which I would think would not be ever published like the exact location someone would speak from.

Apparently Crooks trusted the weather which perhaps questions how bright he really was as the weathermen can not get a forecast right when it is raining.

On July 6, the subject registered to attend the rally, and that same day, he specifically searched for:

“how far was Oswald from Kennedy,”

”where will Trump speak from at Butler Farm Show,”

”Butler Farm Show podium,” and

“Butler Farm Show photos.” 

On July 8, the subject searched “AGR International," on July 9 he searched “ballistic calculator," and on July 10 he searched “weather in Butler.” 

We have learned now something of interest in the common Congressional knowledge is the Butler SWAT guy who put the scratch shot on Crooks from the barn, blew up his rifle..........nope rifle was fully functional, meaning Tom Crooks stopped shooting for his own reasons, not that his gun was broke.

Of course the 8 casings matched Crooks rifle........

Additionally, regarding the subject’s rifle, the FBI Laboratory Division successfully test fired the weapon, concluding it was—and remains—fully operational. 

Now the FBI tells us Crooks is the lone wolf. They easily breached Crooks encrypted accounts. Bravo.


The FBI continues to identify and exploit the accounts. So there are other accounts which are being discovered and more to the point, if Crooks is this lone nut, who is the FBI looking at in the known associates list as let us face the fact, that all the alphabets and democrats want Butler buried. The last thing they want is for some poor Hutatree saps or some FBI paid operatives popping up who were chatting up Crooks to make this round two.

We understand these accounts were encrypted. However, the level of encryption was no more sophisticated than any standard, widely used, internet-based email service.  

We successfully accessed the information from these accounts and appropriately analyzed their content. 

However, we continue to identify and exploit the subject’s accounts. 

Little problem is the FBI states the Coroner pronounced Crooks or someone dead at 6:25 pm. The Coroner was kept off the roof when arriving past Midnight on the day of the assassination attempt, and was not back until 24 hours later. That does not appear to be a legitimate time for the Coroner to be signing his name to or the FBI to be quoting. Medical authorities can pronounce a time of death of official record if they are not present at that time.

The autopsy report indicated the subject was pronounced deceased at 6:25 p.m. on July 13, 2024, as a result of a single gunshot wound to the head.

Finally the FBI is not releasing data, like a white beat up van with Arizona plates had two explosive devices in it, that K9 tracked by Crooks scent across a field.  Whose van is this?

This is going to require more than FBI revelations as the FBI glossed over a reality that "prior witnesses" that means PA SWAT identified Crooks by the AGR building, and texted as such.
Then that video on vendor row surfaced with Crooks a half mile away.

Butler SWAT is not fabricating evidence. The vendor video is not AI as it is too perfect for presentation for a layman and anyone providing false evidence in federal investigations is going to prison. The simple conclusion then is that there must be two Tom Crooks, in resembling each other by design.

The Lame Cherry returns this to Crook's own words stating there would be a premier. A premier is something theatrical. 

Be performed for the first time; of a play, ballet, or composition.

This was theater. This was a disruption event. We know the Secret Service left this venue open. We know there were more that two shooters. We know there are AI generated video which the FBI reviewed and released.  We know that in two separate videos by police that  there are two not matching blood trails and in two different locations. We know two phones which interacted with Crooks at home and work, one of which was from Chinatown DC where the FBI was, that there were other actors involved. The only conclusion to the below statement is that there were two people who resembled each other and were interacting and coordinating.

Again as this Lame Cherry noted in the FBI washing away DNA on that roof, the conclusion is there were two known sets of DNA on that roof. Crooks prepositioned the backpack and rifle on that roof, meaning he was up there previously, as in before the event. Internet searches do not show SS Sniper teams and blind spots, when this was the first time Secret Service was deployed to protect any former President.

Crooks had too much inside information and access. The only logical conclusion, and it is not Sherlock Holmes preposterous,  is that exactly as in other police state operations as at Malheur, Hutatree, Ruby Ridge, OKC, Jan6 etc... there was a government asset involved, just as those involved that got Ashli Babbitt set up to be murdered, that the conclusion is that there was a government asset mirroring Tom Crooks, to walk through this disruption event, because this director was guiding the way for a handpicked shooter who could not hit a target and was doing searches in how far Oswald was from Kennedy............Butler is not Dallas, Trump was not in a limo and Crooks apparently thought he was at a school book depository.

Prior witness interviews indicated the subject was in the area of the AGR building at 4:26 p.m. 

Subsequent digital evidence review shows the subject was in fact near the farm show air strip, walking past a row of vendors outside the secure perimeter approximately a half mile away from the AGR grounds at 4:26 p.m. 

Second, video obtained from a local business showed the subject climbed to the roof of the AGR complex at approximately 6:05 p.m.  

Video from local business, police dash-cam, and police body cameras confirmed the subject’s movement across multiple AGR building roofs between 6:05 and 6:08 p.m. 

Finally, at 6:11 p.m., the subject fired eight rounds before being neutralized.  

This was a report for a collaborating media meant to Warren Commission shift this away. This is designed to continue to destroy trust in government.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said

