Thursday, September 5, 2024

When the Soil is a Death Bed


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Weather Mods have been dumping chemical salts I/R heavy metals like aluminum and barium for over a decade to make it snow and rain. I have explained how it is snowing when it is warm and it takes about 50 degrees to melt this chemical snow.

Two years ago, HAARP damned near killed us in those 8 mile winter hikes to tend cattle and it did kill a number of our animals, and continues to kill off the ones which are not suited to these chemical toxins, was the threshold of HAARP in moving this up to 2025 AD in they year for our Lord to get things into place for the great robotic agri take over in ridding farmers from land ownership. It was then a common refrain was heard in the Brier in the carrots and beets simply would not grow. As the Lame Cherry has explained, this is due to acidity in the soil. HAARP chems are acidifying the soil for bio engineered crops.

This year though something has changed in it rained, the fields stayed wet even when they should have been drying and the crops stunted, especially the soybeans for Peking.

What is taking place is the crops in their roots can not take up moisture due to these heavy metals in the soil. Water is too occupied for easy capillary uptake. Unless it keeps raining some fairy pee, the plants do not do well.

I desire you to study the above photo from the Brier. Our soil is sandy loam and a clay. What you are looking at above is a soybean field. Take note of the pretty green in the background, those dots of yellow and that big yellow patch, as that big yellow patch is sand and it will not hold this HAARP water and you get a late summer heat with having had enough rain, and these burned out patches appear in a day.

We have always had these spots in some fields which are prone to this. What is taking place now though is there are a number of fields showing up which are burning out. The millionaire farmers though dense as posts are draining the fields with plastic pipe or tiling, making things drier as they think they can irrigate to solve things. That will not solve anything as the problem is the soil now is so heavy metal toxic that I have noticed that HAARP utilizing USDA data can see these burned up areas all across America, but they are not making it rain anymore..........because this will only add to the spread of the Great American Desert and the chagrin of Peking which demands these soybeans.

These lezbo HAARPies have been caught in their own trap. They were so smart in going to ramp this up, make huge chem dumps to make only their bio engineered crops grow and they put so many tons of this material onto the land, that it has made the ground toxic to even crops.

I have no idea if there is a fix for this. They polluted India with heavy metals and that soil is still toxic. I know of some remedies for this on small scale, but this is spreading. This is bizarre to watch in the clay soils remained too wet, the sandy soils got by, and the crops on the clay are stunted and those on the sandy loam are burning out. Everything though is beginning to stress in crops are dying even on clay.

To explain most of growing American soil, God made the Plains from Illinois to Montana, quite unique. Winter would provide a moisture to fill the ponds for later rain. (Farmers drained them.) Spring rains would come early, dry out for a few weeks and farmers would plant the cereal grains.

June would bring moisture, and this was to be the reserve. In may locations the inch of rain every 11 days never happened. Instead there might be a storm around the 4th of July, and one in August and that is what would make the wheat and corn into crops. There would be one good rain the beginning of October, but then almost a month to finish the corn harvest. It was a dry arid heat in the farmlands, yes humid in the east, but the air was perfect most years so plant diseases like rust did not generate.

That is all gone now. HAARP overloaded everything in breaking this drought cycle in that High Pressure Dome. It is scalding the South while the north is in flux in blasts of heat and then cold. None of it is good for growing crops. The problem is what the problem was not as most of the soils in America were God designed to succor plants through dry periods which is what summer was. That is all gone now as it rains a half inch and fields have sloughs were there never were any and if it is not raining every 6 days, the crops are drying out as they can not uptake the water in the soil.

If you want to talk famine, HAARP has generated one in these non nutrient frankenfood crops and the inability of the bio crops to deal with HAARP toxins.

At this moment, you had better learn to sprout your own seeds. Tubers will grow yet. You should educate yourselves on what weeds you can eat as they are still growing as is grass, meaning your diet is going to reflect more the Asians who invaded America and are called Indians in being meat and whatever gut greens you can keep down, as that is the diet. Not enough of that meat for the 500 million shitting in America, but with population reducing, this will be a probable food survival mindset as daily bread is not really going to be a part of meals, as no one will work the thresher or the grinder for that crop.

I can not tell these stupid Goddamn farmers around here a thing. They see this shit and can only reply, "Well we been dry before". This is not dry. This is wet and a powerful sun burning things up as the crops can not take up what moisture is in the soil.

Just your alert that HAARP has dumped far too much acidic heavy metals onto American soil.

Nuff Said
