Friday, September 13, 2024

End Times Sausage Without Smoke


Stärke durch Wurst

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I love German Summer Sausage, sans the garlic and other things. It should have just mustard seed.

As it is a rare and expensive commodity, I was surfing around and found two recipes which fascinated me, especially the Crimean German one below, as it uses liquid smoke and just cure, and seems to violate all the rules of smoking meat. I include them here as TL really likes liquid smoke after I introduced it via JYG's dimple roaster and pork ribs.


20 Lbs of very lean beef trimmed and cubed
4 Lb of very lean pork trimmed and cubed
9 Tsp of coarse salt
6 Tsp of pepper
1 heaping Tsp of garlic powder
2 heaping Tsp of onion powder
1 1/2 Tsp of Salt Peter ( get it at the packing plant)
2 tsp of accent
1- 2 Bottles of wrights liquid smoke
Pork casings ( you will have to order them from the butcher.

Have the meat ground fine at the butcher and add the rest of the ingredients making sure that you mix it very well so that the seasonings are well distributed. You will need to have a grinder with a stuffing horn attachment. Wash the pork casings, they will come packed in salt. Wash them in several waters and turn wrong side out and run water through them to clean and wash the salt out of both sides. Once they are clean slip the casing on the stuffing horn and start feeding the sausage through the grinder until you have a sausage about 3-4 foot long. twist the sausage at about 6 inch intervals and close off the end, Hang sausage over a wire in the basement for two days to dry. After the second day start rubbing the sausages with liquid smoke. Do this every day for 2 weeks. The sausage is done when it is kind of hard and completely cured.

Personal Notes:
This recipe was brought to this country from Russia, at around the turn of the century (1900), by Molly Lamb of Otis Colorado. She gave this recipe to us in about 1975 she would make it about once a year and send it for gifts through the mail to her children. I used to go over to her house and help her make the sausage.

I found liquid smoke on Amazon as the cheapest in two gallons of  Wrights.  America's Test Kitchen said it was good stuff, so that was  my choice. It was cheaper by 6 bucks a gallon, with free shipping, than what Ebay had. I ordered the apple and hickory, so two gallons, which Jesus can enjoy when He stops by on His Way to Armageddon.

I include one last oven produced recipe from a guy in Oklahoma. These are unique recipes and for the world that is coming, as the Holy Ghost said, a spray bottle for the smoke on sausages hanging is a misty way to saving smoke and making things the German way out of Russia.

How To Make German Summer Sausage

  • 1
    Mix all ingredients, cover and place in refrigerator. ( over night )
  • 2
    Mix well each day for 4 days, on the fourth day work out all the bubbles.
  • 3
    Roll in foil to make three sticks place in a 175 degree oven for 5 hours, turn off oven and leave in oven 1 hour.
    • 5 lb
    • 2 1/2 tsp
      mustard seed
    • 2 tsp
      garlic salt
    • 5 tsp
      meat tenderizer
    • 2 1/2 tsp
      black pepper
    • 1 1/2 tsp
      liquid smoke flavoring

schmeckt gut or the American schmacks gute

Nuff Said
