Friday, September 13, 2024

The Spoils of a Trump Debate Win


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I did not watch the Trump debate. I was listening to Rense in Keighlee Nelson was on among other and I'm now puzzled as to what Rense was being told by an "expert" who said Trump looked old and was off his game.........that he threw the debate.

TL was watching clips of the debate and had me watch them, and the first thing that caught my eye was ..........well I will get to that later.

Donald Trump in this debate was like watching a lion chained to the wall in hitting that chain, slashing with his fangs and claws and what I saw of Kamala Harris was a shiny grinny faced baboon who just figured out she was up a tree and it was stupid to throw shit at the lion.

Donald Trump did not look old. He was on the mark and he he hit every point he should have hit and then some.

What caught my attention in the videos was the camera angle that CIA ABC chose as it made Kamala Harris look like a side show outside the tents looking at the main attraction of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was always straight ahead, making points to the audience which is a Tavistock angle and Kamala Harris was always half cocked, looking like Trump just said her snatch stank and was embarrassed.

 Kamala Harris did one smart thing in this campaign, she never agreed to more debates as she had the CIA working her over and Donald Trump making tooth and claw marks on her at every moment.

I'm convinced after the Butler violence, that Donald Trump was approached, and came to terms with the Board and they are now interested in establishing him as the did Ronald Reagan for use to Europe.

That little jab by Donald Trump in the above, hitting a Harris reply with "That was a soundbyte. They gave her that to say", has gone untouched. You can tell by the way Harris reeled at it, that she understood exactly what Donald Trump meant. Donald Trump knew what Kamala Harris was going to say, what was being fed to her.  Someone provided Donald Trump with that script from the inside.

I know Big Mike from Gavin Newsome are working against Kabala and that means Obama. From the Trump Hat that Biden put on for a FU moment to Kabala and the Birther, it may very well be that Joe Biden's people handed the Trump campaign the script.

The adults are in the room now playing this and Donald Trump is the one who has reached accord with them.

I would not want to be of that claque who set Bobby Kennedy up for a Kennedy treatment and almost gave Trump the same final solution.

I would be running to Trumpland and begging for my life.

There are signs in this of a Trump victory. Dead silence from the GOPliters in Congress. Donald Trump did his job in 7 out of 10 undecided are going to vote Trump. The margin who will vote for Trump and not admit will grow. Kabala Harris is eroding every day. Obama Inc. is shutting the doors and pulling down the shutters. Everyone in the know, understands what took place at this debate.

That is probably why Joe Biden put on the Trump hat. Donald Trump will pardon Hunter as a good will gesture. I would like Joe Biden to pardon all the Jan6 people and welcome Donald Trump into the White House.

Donald Trump has the people's trust, because they are worried about their families, their bills and their country.

Kamala Harris is going to with Tim Walz start a caustic erosion in state elections of the democratic party.

These deep state trolls had better start making the phone call to Donald Trump the way they did to Ronald Reagan in that win over Jimmy Carter.

*Paging Jimmy Carter. You should stop milking dying for attention and get it done, because Donald Trump will probably have your funeral at a golf course sand pit. Joe Biden will give you a better eulogy, even if he is senile.

Nuff Said
