Friday, September 20, 2024

Just like a White Winged Dove


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to explain something in  Inspiration which will make sense to a segment of the incorrect information out there in both the anti Christian and the Christian realms.

I will first state that there is not any such thing as reincarnation, but when you are finished with reading this, you will understand what I mean, that not all of this is past memories in people planted by demons to deceive the Darwin minds out there.

Jacob Marley's chains. You remember them from A Christmas Carol.I have never heard of an explanation in how Charles Dickens had the insights to what he wrote, no more than why the movie Ghost was as real as Washington Irving knew things in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

As a Protestant Christian, I believe that everyone has this one life to choose Life or death, and when they die the book is closed and that is the outcome in Life or Judgment. There are things though that happen in my life which have me pondering things which I now have the answers for.

Before my brother died, and I have had a great deal of time since he died, to remember what a complete asshole he was in life. I can think of one time when he was a brother in a kid was making a habit of strangling me, and my brother threw the older kid up against the bus and told him he was going to kill him if he did that again. Other than that, his treatment of me was self centered and I was the one being bullied by him.
I have had more of a brother with JYG in the time I have known him as a non paying customer, than a lifetime of my brother.

My brother first brought to my attention the invasive species, White Winged Doves. He had them in the city he lived and would talk about them. I had no idea what they were, but several years ago I actually saw these slightly larger doves in town here, and heard their different call.
We never had them on the place we live, until almost 2 years after my brother died. He had like most of the dead had been trying to make contact with me. I would have none of that as he had a lifetime to be a brother, and I was not soothing his spirit by going back to the past and letting that in again.

That dove was here till almost the first storms and then it was gone.

I was telling TL not long ago that I thought the red fox here were all dead, as the coyotes ran them out as they will do. Going home that day from Grandpas there was a grubby red fox. I would have shot the thing if it would have stopped running long enough. Before this event though, I looked up at Grandpas in checking the tank for cattle water, and there was a White Winged Dove. Again the first one I had seen there. I immediately knew that was my brother like before hanging out as he was not welcome where we lived.

Now to add some back story in this, in you know God works through this blog and I invest a great deal of time in insights and Prophecy in informing people. Well, I informed my brother of the future events, and in my pleasure that Jesus would be returning in the not too distant future. His response stunned me and TL, in it was, "Well I want to go goose hunting yet".

I was incredulous. This shit hole of a world and it has only gotten worse, the advent of Christ coming back and everything being wonderful, and my brother was more selfish in wanting to go goose hunting.

As it turned out, he loved the adoration and validation he got from a job he had selling guns. I had told him to take that job, and he snipped at me, "I work in the hunting department not the gun department". It took him and the company a few years to get to the gun counter, but he could be a big shot there and tell idiots things and feel important, so when the vax came and it came time to choose God or the vax, he chose the vax and there was no goose hunting as he was dead.

The last year before he died, I had let things go in what bothered me. He did not have to help pay for the mother's funeral, even though he said he would later.......never got the few hundred dollars his delusions were speaking, and in return for my being  a proper sibling, he got drunk here one night whining about our parents and his butt hurt feelings. Stumbled to bed, passed out and I thought he was going to die of alcohol poisoning. Was not a pleasant night for me in wondering about a brotherly corpse in the morning, but he did not die then, and I told him that was never going to happen again in our home.

For being concerned, he traded me in for some rich friends he had and when he got cancer and left a cryptic message, I was not getting sucked in to baby him, as he chose his rich friends........his rich friends could  take care of him whining.

The day he died, I had prayed for our Beloved Uncle to be there to help him transition. I mean I would have loved that, been ready to get things moving to Heaven and Jesus, but not my brother. No, the story in spirit world went something like this.

Brother dies. He is not happy as he like numbers of people have been left on dope and to be dehydrated to death.That is not pleasant for the dying. He dies. His kids and grandkids are there in the hospital and do not notice he is dead. The main attraction and no one notices.

So Beloved Uncle is there and mentions that LC had asked for him to be there. Brother says, "Where is LC?" So off they go to Grandpa's place where TL and I are in the kitchen working. We both get a weird feeling at the same time of intense displeasure. This is 10 minutes after he is dead. It passes, it bothers me what that projection of "Why do they have  things and I'm dead" is all about, and my niece phones and tells me he is dead.
I know as I do in reading things, that the Holy Angels came and carried my brother to Heaven as Beloved Uncle really did not sign up for this shit.

It took awhile to figure out the hate of my brother, but it was more he was upset as I said that his kids left him die, that he saw us alive and happy and wanted that too, as he is a dumb ass obviously as you are in Heaven and that is the place to be not sweating on earth.

This then returns to the White Winged Dove. My brother does not have Jacob Marley's chains, but he certainly got stuck in a White Winged Dove to face and deal with what he was in life. I was amused today when the Holy Ghost had it come to me that he wanted to hunt geese, so God said, "You go be in a prey species as you had better things in mind than appreciating Heaven. You can think on things there".

I stress this is not possession. This is more a hotel to sojourn in.

To add to this, after my dad died, we got a Spaniel mix who was my best buddy. I was quite ill then, and laying down alone in the house one day, I wondered where on earth this  dog was, as she was really quiet.
I got up and there she was sitting like a person in my dad's recliner. that was disturbing as I observed her looking around just like a human would in seeing the living room again. I honestly believe my old man is in hell, because he blew through here one night in rattling a door with all asleep, in the demons were probably chasing him to drag him to his sentence, but for that moment, he was inhabiting  the same space as that dog. That is why I say there is no reincarnation. People get one shot here and that is it, but God does work things out that need to be worked out and the eastern religions misinterpret reincarnation in people when it is demons and mistake it in animals when it is this white winged sojourn.

I read of that once in a near death in a gal saw a guy who died in a van crash, in spirit, but he was not at the same level as others were. The explanation was that God killed him before he  really was lost and he was kind of puttering around the edges. I think the mother is in a kind of self imposed cocoon of the reality of the toxic sandpaper emotion she was gritting on people. I believe she will be Judged for hell, but this is God's  Wisdom in convicting the person inside them of all they are as this woman thought she would come back and solve my problems after she died, as LC just could not manage without her being God.. God gave her and eye full as I was typing up what she was for the blog at that moment, as Holy Angels escorted her here. She read it, did not like it, but it was  the Truth and back they took her.  Reality she could not do her rope a dope not having to deal with what she was.

The dead are not my problem. They chose their outcomes so this brother doing what he is ordered to do is his doing, not of my concern, as the only merit I have in it, as for a teaching lesson to appear here to speak to those who have had experiences like this, and provide them an explanation so they can get it right and have closure.

Just like a white winged dove.

Nuff Said

Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen (Just Like The White Winged Dove)

Feb 3, 2014 ... "Edge of Seventeen", also known by the alternate title "Just Like the White Winged Dove" drawn from the first line of its refrain, ...
