Friday, September 20, 2024

To the Max


“I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished, and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the former president,” Blumenthal said.

“But I think they also ought to be appalled and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming, to be as candid and frank, as it should be to them in terms of providing information,” Blumenthal added.

If they are hiding something, it’s reasonable to ask why.

Democrat Sen Blumenthal: Biden-Harris Admin Is ‘Stonewalling’ Investigation into Trump Assassination Attempts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The alarm bells should be going off when you have Democratic Chairmen in the Senate telling Americans that there is a massive cover up in the Trump assassination attempts. What is operational is not "them" and they know it is a threat.

Rep. Crane Warns Trump: 'There May Be a Mole in the Secret Service'
Former Navy Seal and Republican Congressman Eli Crane has warned Donald Trump there is the possibility...

Secret Service Whistleblower Drops Bombshell on Trump Assassination Attempt: 'Gunman Knew Vulnerabilities'
A Secret Service whistleblower revealed that would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh had inside information...

Senator Josh Hawley wrote in a letter:

“A whistleblower with direct knowledge of Secret Service protection of former President Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach — an individual who has in fact protected President Trump at that very location — alleges that there are ‘known vulnerabilities’ in the fence line surrounding the course: places that offer a clear line of sight to the former president and others playing at the course.”

“As a result, the whistleblower alleges it has been Secret Service protocol to ‘post up’ agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on September 15,” the letter continued.

There are facts in this which everyone must be aware which this Lame Cherry has noted. What does Edward Snowden, Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, Scott Ritter etc... in this entire cast of people exposing what is afflicting America? They are all Kennedy Democrats. These are the people who are doing the job the "conservative" media and actors are silent about.

There is the Trump DIA faction steering information to the public and then there is this "committee" which signed off on all of this and behind all of this. This is complex in the Board desires this system to be shattered and it will be, but it is not just the Black Swan events, yes plural,  it is what it will do to America in forever changing everyone.

As Ron Paul warned, we have our guns and our food, but that is not going to be enough for what is coming.

Nuff Said
