Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kamala Harris & Her Pathetic Vaginal Voters


I want to say that in saying I said it by what I said and in saying what I said I say what I said.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at the picture of Kamala Harris among her erstwhile vaginal supporters and the picture says it all, as Kamala struggles to lay an egg, you can see on the faces of all these sorry women, their greatest unction for Kamala to lay an egg, like she was a chicken on the nest.

That sums up Kamala Harris. Her reality has reached her voters. The nutty Walz crowd goes into hysteria for that bizarre Gwen Walls waving her arms around, and the democrats realize they have nuts in the Walz family, and what is left is Kamala Harris, who sounds like the 3rd world wife, trying to explain in broken English just why all their money is gone as she did not spend it all on a donation to the Harris Campaign, thinking she was going to move into the White House.

The Lame Cherry felt sorry for Joe Biden stammering, falling down and going into a coma on stage. I have reached an even greater depth of pity for Kamala Harris as she is Dinesh D'Souza in he read the book, so he knows the words, but Harris has not read the book and is only able to recite the things she can remember off of the dumb kids notes in class.

Just read this quote from Harris in a wife looking for an answer to how they can afford to buy a home now.

“Yours is a story I hear around the country as I travel, and in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American dream is, for this generation and so many recently, far more elusive than it’s been,”

I remember Birther in his first State of the Union, cheering on some Minnesota simp, who basically was told to go into debt to be educated, go into debt to buy a home, and all that debt was going to give them a future. With Harris, she speaks not of debt but in the abstract. She is like Captain Kangaroo being outsmarted by Bunny Rabbit and Mr. Moose with the carrots and golf balls. With Harris, we are all naked, afraid, homeless, hungry and in danger, but she sits there trying to lay an egg and all that comes out of her is "We gotta have dreams".

Dreams are the Harris opiate of the masses. No religion, no God, not even Karl Marx saw this coming from one of his own in making dreams the religion. Then again Marx missed Stalin mass murdering and mass raping the world. That Jewrad missed a great deal, but that is ok, as Kamala Harris has it all down in she chalks it all up to dreams.

It is almost like her Black Hole Mum from India, used Kermit the Frog as the guide and mentor to Kamala and the oracle that had all the answers was The Muppet Show in all we got to do is dream a little dream, and ignore the rapes, robberies and the invaders or the police state on Jan6.

These sad sack Kamala groupies are the once children who grew up watching black Oprah solve the world's problems by patting women on the leg to tell their tragic stories, and they knew if they could just bring home a black Obama that all their hurts would be erased from all the White boys cringing at their ugly ass selves.
Now Kamala is their ace in the black hole. They have all talked themselves as woman do in Kamala is the answer, and then they fill in the information to make this decision work out. The problem is Kamala does not compute and never will.

Obama brought the 3rd world invasion to the West to destroy independent wealth. Kamala Harris is going to establish the 3rd world in the West, so everyone is in the same shit hole and there is no escape, and all that can be done is dream in self medication to not just lay down and die.

Look at the faces of those skirts behind Kamala Harris. They are thee most pathetic lot, since Jesse Jackson was crying over Birther Hussein being installed over John the hero McCain.

They are pathetic these Darwin vaginal culls. This is the vacuous euphoria of GEN V, the GEN Vaginals.

Kamala Harris makes more sense when she is drunk or stoned. At least then she has an excuse.

Come on Kamala, lay an egg, your vaginal voters know you can do it!

Nuff Said

Rainbow Connection - Kermit The Frog - The Muppet Movie (1979)

Feb 28, 2023 ... ... lovers, the dreamers and me [Verse 2] Who said that every wish Would ... Try YouTube Kids. An app made just for kids. Open app · Ed ...
