Saturday, September 21, 2024

Two Ends of a Bleacher

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to revisit something as it has to do with the video below in a 3D mock up of the shooting of Butler PA. You can watch the almost hour long video below which is good, but there is something off about it in the 3D which has to be noted.

What you are seeing the next two photos are the shots coming at Donald Trump's location in black. For reference the Fire Fighter who was murdered is in the below right.

So what you are looking at is the derrick by the left bleachers in back of Donald Trump. The 3 D shows two supporters being shot  on the extreme right by the derrick.

Now you will see the John Cullen video which this blog has featured, and I'm sorry, but the spiders fried my computer where the file was located while all of you sat on your non donating asses, so it is only available on the blog posts in miniature now. But I did a blow up of it and in the photo below, you will see the man in WHITE crumple which I put a red square around.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

So you get this. The guy in the red square is shot. You can see him going down. The video as it runs you can see a recoil wave in the crowd as they flinch from right left to where the guy who is going down.

The derrick is on the right hand side on the end of these bleachers. 

The problem in this is, is the 3 D has this lined up for Trump's head which hits people on the RIGHT END OF THE BLEACHERS. The guy in the red square and the woman in front of him who appear hit, are not on the right side, but about 12 feet from the left end of the bleachers.

The person in the red square is not lined up with Donald Trump. He is shot in the red line trajectory from the SOUTH where the Crooks position is north.

We are being shown evidence which is partial and not complete. The 3 D is most likely correct, but we are not ever informed who this guy in the red square is not lined up with anyone from the Crooks side.

Nuff Said
