Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Kamala Harris Loses In November

Kabala scares me after Gaza.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will keep this simple for non donors as they have enough to think about in God's Judgment before the Great White Throne for cheating me out of donations. The projection in this is simple in Kamala Harris in her debate fiasco where Donald Trump told the world that Joe Biden hated her, to which Joe Biden put on a Trump hat, the real polling is showing the electoral college disaster that Obama's Kabala Harris and Tim Walz are facing.

Harris has flat lined since the DNC with Tim Walz going into the debate. After the debate 60 plus percent of Independents swung toward Donald Trump. Donald Trump runs at a steady 48% of the voting base in support. With the assistance of the The Deuce, Robert Kennedy II, he is now pulling in Kennedy democrats in an almost like effect that gained Abraham Lincoln the presidency twice.

The news though of voters not going to Donald Trump is the reason Kamala Harris loses in a landslide in the Electoral College, even with 10% vote inflation as Joe Biden had accomplished for him in the install in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

Here is the damning headline.

Jill Stein Surges Ahead Of Ho Harris Among
Muslim-American Voters In Key Swing States

The Muslim factor is the one which is going to give Donald Trump election theft margins in Michigan, North Carolina and Minnesota. With Jill Stein, surging ahead in support with Muslim American voters, Kamala Harris has now lost two key voting blocks which she needs to provide cover to steal this election in Independents and Muslims

Harris is already having major erosion problems with Negroids, Latinoids and Asians. She can mail in vote steal an election with those depleted groups, but she can not steal it with the Independents, Kennedy voters and Muslims not voting for her. With Muslims, it does not matter as long as they are not voting for Kamala Harris. Her cushion which Biden manufactured has evaporated.

Muslim voters in swing states favor Green Party's Jill Stein, CAIR ...

6 hours ago ... Muslim voters react to Democratic and Republican candidates' Gaza policies in key states where Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein is ...

Stein leading among Muslim voters in Arizona with 35%, Michigan with 40%, and Wisconsin with 44%.

Stein’s Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, leads among Muslim voters in Georgia with 43% and Pennsylvania with 37%

The reality in the above is to understand what you are reading. Harris is leading with Muslims in states where the Muslim vote is not going to help her. Jill Stein is leading in the states which are going to hurt Kabala Harris the Hindu religion which hates Muslims.

As this blog told you almost 2 months ago, Joe Biden kept it close to winning in the suburbs of Swing States, the White Sphere as based in the Tim Walz type enclaves. In that polling, Harris losing across America, in a high voter block.

As we all know the metro dictatorships are corrupt and are overloaded and stolen for democrats. That is how Tim Walz got into office. It is how that Jew in Pennsylvania got into office. Even though in Minnesota, for example, Harris is gaining a greater percentage in the metro than Biden, she is losing in the suburbs. She is also losing in the Muslim metropolitan ghettos. That is the reason the Golden Crescent matters for Harris in all of these Swing States as that is her vote fraud margin she needs, just as Joe Biden did.

MinnPost poll shows Harris has narrow lead over Trump in Minnesota

3 days ago ... But the MinnPost poll results also show she's behind where Biden was in support among Greater Minnesota and suburban voters.

MinnPost Minnesota Survey: Regional Presidential Preference

"If the 2024 election for President were held today and the candidates were the following, who would you vote for?"

Greater MN
Metro Area
Twin Cities

Now to wrap this all up past the wonk talk. I was reading in early summer an expert who happened to state something which has been lost in this shuffle of information. The expert stated rather nonchalant, that all Donald Trump had to do, to become President was to win 3 Swing States.

Read that again so it soaks in. It is why these liberals are so anti Electoral College and so stuffing mail in ballots.

Aug 23, 2024 — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin could be pivotal in November.

Review the Muslim vote. Review the Independent vote. Jill Stein is leading in Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona with Muslims. Harris will lose those states.

Harris in Georgia and Pennsylvania is winning with a slight margin the Muslim vote, but she is LOSING the majority of the Independent vote, meaning Donald Trump is far ahead in Pennsylvania and he will win Georgia.

The only state left in this 7 is Nevada and Donald Trump is winning there.

In those projections on real numbers, Donald Trump wins every swing state and Tim Walz is going to have to commit jail time election fraud to pull Minnesota into the Kabala win column in November, and that goes very hard for all these other pinko states

The GENS number around 30% of the Independents and are tired of living in their parent's basement and having no future. Trump is pulling 7 out of 10 votes in the Independents. These margins for Trump will expand every day as people pay attention to the Kamala Wars, to the violent invasion, to prices and the reality that Harris wants more taxing of the same.

Kamala Harris hit her high mark when Obama Inc and her pulled the coup on Joe Biden in mid summer. She went flatline and is now eroding while Trump is moving up, a candidate like Jill Stein in surging in non Trump voters, and the fact is clear, that each day the polling grows worse for Kamala Harris, it improves for Donald Trump and Jill Stein will hold her zenith in niche voters who are not going to budge.

The electoral college maps of 2020 and the projection for 2024 I believe is going to resemble the following.

In stating this again, I do not favor Sodomite Deserter Don, so  this is not wishful painting of a canvas, but I honestly believe that Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Virginia and New Hampshire are coming into play past vote fraud margins as we close in on the election. Trump's margins should surpass 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Trump only has to win 3 Swing States and he wins. The margins are more than that for Donald Trump in winning every swing state and putting the pinko states into play and winning there too.

Even with cheating, Kamala Harris loses in November. That is why they keep taking shots at Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
